Latest News
February 2024
My interview on ABC Radio Canberra
Once again, this morning, I was a guest on ABC Radio Canberra, live on the program 'Breakfast, ' with presenter Adam Shirley, who interviewed me about the speed limits at construction sites.
December 2023
My interview on ABC Radio Canberra
Once again, I was a guest on the ABC Radio, this time with their Canberra studio, live in the program 'Canberra Breakfast', with presenter Adam Shirley, who interviewed me about the new 'ACT Road Safety Plan', which has just been released this morning, and they were keen to get my perspective on it.
The feedback was great:
"You are too good!!! Always delightful and engaging and just so smart! It's just such a blast getting to have you on. Thank you so much."
Hannah Head, ABC Radio Canberra
October 2023
Parkes Special Activation Precinct (SAP) Project, in Parkes, NSW
Traffic Engineering Centre, the exclusive Road Safety Auditing company on this project, successfully audited another traffic switch.
The Road Safety Audit assessed whether the installed temporary traffic management complies with the standards/guidelines and that the arrangement of traffic control devices is clear and conducive to road safety.
August 2023
TAFE NSW Wollongong Campus
Extension and redevelopment of the TAFE NSW Wollongong Campus
Road Safety Audit of the existing road network within TAFE NSW Wollongong Campus
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered a traffic and parking impact assessment for the proposed Extension and redevelopment of the TAFE NSW Wollongong Campus, in Wollongong, NSW.
The study:
- Reviewed the proposed traffic and parking arrangements within the vicinity of the development site
- Calculated the additional traffic generation and parking demand that might result from the proposed use of the site
- Identified the Council's requirements that are pertinent to the site
- Demonstrated how the proposed development complies with the Council Policies, and Australian Standards.
The main objective of the Road Safety Audit of the existing road network within TAFE NSW Wollongong Campus was to identify relevant road and traffic safety deficiencies within the road network, which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
The other objectives of this audit were to:
- check the compatibility between the safety features and the functional classification of the roads
- identify any feature that can, either now or with time, create a safety problem
- identify additional features at the site that pose a safety hazard or risk to any of the road users
Another happy client of Traffic Engineering Centre:
"Thanks again for your work and assistance on this."
Kind regards
Christine Humphrey
Program Administration Officer – Strategic Asset Planning
TAFE NSW Infrastructure
February 2023
My interview on ABC Radio Newcastle
Once again, yesterday, I was a guest on ABC Radio, this time with their Newcastle studio, live in the program 'Breakfast', with presenter Craig Hamilton, who interviewed me about the traffic issues associated with the Hexam Bridge near Newcastle.
December 2022
My interview on ABC Radio Canberra
Once again, I was a guest on the ABC Radio, this time with their Canberra studio, live in the program 'Drive', with presenter Adam Shirley, who interviewed me about the ongoing removal of the pedestrian-button-covers at signalised pedestrian crossings in NSW and a few other interesting traffic engineering issues.
The feedback was great:
"Zoran, that's 52 pages! You truly are the ruler of the roads!! Thank you so much for your time today. You were fantastic! I took a look at your CV and I saw you have done some Canberra road audits and black spot things. I actually work for ABC Canberra so if you would ever be up for a discussion about Canberra roads we would love that.
Thank again! "
Hannah Head, ABC Radio Canberra
December 2022
St. Mary's Cathedral College at 52 - 58 William Street, in Woolloomooloo, NSW - Traffic impact and parking assessment study
Being engaged by 'Sydney Catholic Schools' and 'Faction Consulting', 'Traffic Engineering Centre' has delivered a comprehensive traffic impact and parking assessment study associated with the proposed development of the St. Mary's Cathedral College at 52 - 58 William Street, in Woolloomooloo, NSW.
The particular study's tasks included, but were not limited to:
- Review the proposed traffic and parking arrangements within the vicinity of the development site - Calculate the additional traffic generation and parking demand that might result from the proposed use of the site - Demonstrate how the proposed development complies with the Council's requirements that are pertinent to the site
Another happy client of Traffic Engineering Centre:
Confirming that the DA was lodged yesterday! Well done to everyone, and great team effort. SCS and Faction greatly appreciate everyone's hard work in getting this through on such a short timeframe."
Carlo Biaro, Project Director, 'Faction Consulting'
December 2022
M4-M5 Link Main Tunnel, in Sydney, NSW - WestConnex M4-M5 Link Tunnels – Client: Transport for NSW & Acciona Samsung Bouygues Joint Venture
Traffic Engineering Centre has delivered first of the few scheduled pre-opening Road Safety Audits of the completed works on the WestConnex M4-M5 Link Tunnels project.
Once again, Traffic Engineering Centre helped our clients in their attempt to deliver a reasonably safe facility for its intended users.
November 2022
BIOMECHANICS in Accident Reconstruction
Our Director, Zoran Bakovic, has successfully completed a 40-hour (5 full days) specialized course for collision scene investigators, including a course exam.
The trainers were Jeffrey A. Pike and Greg Sullenberger, two of the leading experts on this topic in the USA.
This very comprehensive training addresses the following:
- Interior inspection - Occupant movement - Occupant / Vehicle Interaction - Analysis of medical record - Investigative protocol - Law of Motion - Conservation of Linear Momentum review - Anatomy and Injury Biomechanics - Calculation of PDOF and Delta V and EDR data - Rollover crash investigation - Interpreting crash tests - Restrains - Out of position occupants - Case studies
November 2022
Rankin Park to Jesmond – Newcastle Inner City Bypass (RP2J) Project
Once again, our experts from Traffic Engineering Centre have been engaged as exclusive road safety auditors during the construction stage of a capital infrastructural project.
This time, it is the Rankin Park to Jesmond – Newcastle Inner City Bypass (RP2J), in Newcastle, NSW.
The Newcastle Inner City Bypass is part of Transport for NSW's long-term strategy to provide an orbital road within Newcastle's road network to connect the Pacific Highway at Bennetts Green with the Pacific Highway at Sandgate.
The Rankin Park to Jesmond project is the fifth section of the Bypass.
This is an addition to a long list of strategic infrastructural projects where the Traffic Engineering Centre was engaged, and successfully delivered very complex Road Safety Audits for the entire length of the projects.
To name only a few such projects:
Albion Park Rail Bypass West Connex M4-M4 Tunneling The Northern Road – Stage 5 The Northern Road – Stage 6 Reconstruction of the southern end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge Berry Bypass Gerringong Bypass Nowra Bridge Parkes Special Activation Precinct (SAP) Project Etc.
November 2022
A traffic safety assessment of the section of Captain Cook Drive, between Elouera Road (in Cronulla) to Torres Street (in Kurnell), with special emphasis on the on-road cycling facilities, NSW - making a safer environment for cyclists and other road users
Sutherland Shire Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre and successfully delivered a comprehensive traffic safety assessment of 7.0km long section of Captain Cook Drive, between Elouera Road in Cronulla, to Torres Street in Kurnell, NSW.
We have checked whether the traffic safety features of the assessed section of Captain Cook Drive were suitable for the intended purpose and conducive to a safe road environment for all types of road users, with emphasis on the cyclists' safety.
Traffic Engineering Centre has checked for compliance with current infrastructure against relevant standards (i.e., signage, speed limits, sight distances, line-marking, the surface condition, etc); checked whether the existing features are a good fit for the purpose; and made brief recommendations for improvements and/or upgrades.
October 2022
Traffic Safety Assessment of the Warnervale Railway Crossing (LXM ID 436), located on Warnervale Road, and the adjacent road sections, in Warnervale, NSW
In accordance with the 'Railway crossing safety series 2011', Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully assessed the traffic safety of another railway crossing in NSW – this time, the Warnervale Railway Crossing (LXM ID 436) and adjacent road sections, in Warnervale, NSW.
I am glad to say this was our 40th traffic safety assessment of a Railway Crossing in NSW. Over the years, we helped our clients to make railway crossings safer - one crossing at a time.
As a result of this assessment, we have delivered the following 3 (three) comprehensive documents:
1. Stage 5 (Existing road) Road Safety Audit, accompanied by Corrective Action Requests 2. Railway Crossing Safety Hazard Checklist 3. Railway Crossing Safety Management Plan.
October 2022
Drivers' Responses at Traffic Signals & Intersections - Dr. Jeffrey Muttart, Ph.D., of Crash Safety Research (USA)
I have successfully completed forensic training in factors that influence drivers' responses at traffic signals & intersections and successfully passed the exam.
The trainer was Dr. Jeffrey Muttart, Ph.D., of Crash Safety Research (USA), one of the leading experts on Human factors in the USA and worldwide.
This course addresses the following:
- response time - deceleration time - likelihood of a stop - etc
October 2022
On Friday, our Director, Zoran Bakovic, had another live interview on the ABC Radio's National Weekend Evening, hosted by Sirine Demachkie, and broadcasted Australiawide.
He discussed traffic lights’ buttons and a few other interesting traffic engineering issues.
October 2022
Earlier this morning, our Director, Zoran Bakovic was a guest on ABC Radio, live in the program 'Breakfast', in which host, James Valentine, interviewed him about the on-going removal of the pedestrian-button-covers at signalised pedestrian crossings throughout Sydney.
COVID covers to be removed from Sydney pedestrian buttons, but CBD traffic lights remain automated
Covers on push buttons were installed in 2020 due to fears COVID was spreading via surfaces.
Covers on pedestrian push buttons installed at the start of the pandemic are being removed from Sydney intersections, but traffic lights will remain automated in the CBD during the day.
Key points:
- Covers were installed to stop pedestrians pushing the button during the pandemic
- Health experts believe the measure had a "minuscule" impact on COVID spread
- A traffic engineer says pushing the button gives people an "impression of control"
Two years ago health authorities told Sydneysiders "do not push the button" due to fears about COVID spreading via surfaces.
Crossings in the city and inner-city suburbs and near hospitals were automated and covers placed over the pedestrian "call" buttons in March 2020.
They were initially made of cardboard, but after many of those were ripped off, they were replaced by semi-permanent plastic covers that could be drilled on.
A Transport for NSW spokesperson said it had begun removing the blue covers "as restrictions have lifted across the state and the number of COVID-19 cases continues to reduce in the community".
Some of the pedestrian crossing button covers have been vandalised.
The spokesperson confirmed all covers would soon be uninstalled, although no deadline had been set.
Australian National University infectious diseases expert Peter Collignon said the effect of the covers on COVID transmission had likely been "minuscule".
"While you can find COVID on surfaces, the reality is it's mainly spread by people spending time with other people indoors," Professor Collignon said.
In retrospect, he said it was not worth spending the money installing the covers, but spending a small amount of money on it was not unreasonable given what was known at the time.
Giving a sense of control
Transport for NSW said crossings around health precincts were no longer automated and covers had been removed so pedestrians could push the buttons.
However, pressing the button in the CBD during daylight hours will make no difference because the traffic lights will remain on a fixed timer.
Pedestrians can push the button again, but it won't make a difference to in the CBD during the day.
Traffic engineer Zoran Bakovic said a system that responded to pedestrian demand to cross the street was better for traffic flow, rather than making cars stop at red lights when there may be no-one waiting.
He said it also gave those on foot more of a sense of control which could ultimately reduce accidents.
"You actually feel better if you have the impression that you are in control of something," Mr Bakovic told ABC Radio Sydney.
"So therefore, by pressing the button, you will actually get that feeling, so more likely than not people may wait or be more patient to cross the street than otherwise."
He said Transport for NSW's decision to continue using automation in the city should be backed by data.
He said at consistently busy intersections it may make sense to keep the lights on rotation, but it depended how long people had to wait.
"A worldwide survey indicates that after 30 seconds, pedestrians become impatient and start looking for an opportunity to cross the road on the red light."
October 2022
Our 10th Anniversary
Today, Traffic Engineering Centre is celebrating the 10th anniversary of helping our clients to make Australia a better place - one project at a time.
We would like to use this occasion to thank our dear Clients, without whom all this would not be possible. We continue to measure our success based on our clients' satisfaction, as we are not in business simply to make money - rather, we are in this business to add value to our clients, which will earn us equitable compensation.
We would also like to thank our team members and friends, for doing something we are all really proud of, and for helping Traffic Engineering Centre to become a company of value, rather than just a company of success.
September 2022
Last week, our Director, Zoran Bakovic, attended a 2 day long, extremely good and comprehensive ‘Expert Witness training', organised by 'Expert Direct'
The topics and presenters were as follow:
- ‘Introduction’, Ian Freckelton AO KC, Victorian Bar
- ‘Expert and Lawyers Working together’, Gavin Stuart, Partner, Bartier Perry
- ‘Assumptions’, Rhett Walton, Quality Assurance Manager, Expert Direct
- ‘Identifying the Questions and Analysis’, Narelle Bell, Legal Writing & Reasoning Expert
- Writing Great Expert Opinion Reports’ Rhett Walton, Quality Assurance Manager, Expert Direct
- ‘Introductions and Executive Summaries’, Narelle Bell, Legal Writing & Reasoning Expert
- ‘Conclaves and Working with other experts’, Tanya Harris-Roxas, Barrister, 13 Wentworth Chambers, Sydney
- ‘Giving Evidence in Court’, Phillipe Doyle Gray, Barrister, 8 Wentworth Chambers, Sydney
- ‘Cross-Examination’, Megher Gaven, Barrister, 8 Wentworth Chambers, Sydney
- ‘Mock Cross-Examination’, Megher Gaven, Barrister, 8 Wentworth Chambers, Sydney
- ‘Courtroom Basics and Etiquette’, Erica Taylor, Learning & Development Director, Expert Direct
- ‘Expert Witness liability and Important Legal Details’, Erica Taylor, Learning & Development Director, Expert Direct
August 2022
Cabramatta Rail Loop Project, in Cabramatta, NSW – Experts from Traffic Engineering Centre are the exclusive Road Safety Auditors on this project
Traffic Engineering Centre continues to help Fulton Hogan on this project and successfully delivered another Road Safety Audit of a traffic switch. The Road Safety Audit assessed whether the installed temporary traffic management complies with the standards/guidelines and that the arrangement of traffic control devices is clear and conducive to road safety.
August 2022
Extension and redevelopment of the TAFE NSW Forest Road Campus, at 1587 Forest Forest Road, in Orange, NSW – Traffic Impact and Parking Assessment Study
After being engaged by TAFE NSW, Traffic Engineering Centre has delivered a comprehensive traffic impact and parking assessment study associated with the proposed extension and redevelopment of the TAFE NSW Forest Road Campus, at 1587 Forest Road, in Orange, NSW.
August 2022
Traffic Impact and Parking Assessment Study - proposed subdivisional development of the 69 Lots at the LOT 15 & 16 D.P. 736575, at 53 Stringer Road, in North Kellyville, NSW
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered a traffic and parking impact assessment for the proposed subdivisional development of the 69 dwellings (each a 4-bedroom house with a double garage) at the LOT 15 & 16 D.P. 736575, at 53 Stringer Road, in North Kellyville, NSW.
The particular study’s tasks included:
- Review the proposed traffic and parking arrangements within the vicinity of the development site
- Calculate the additional traffic generation and parking demand that might result from the proposed use of the site
- Identify the Council’s requirements that are pertinent to the site
- Demonstrate how the proposed development complies with the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP, Yass Council Policies, and Australian Standards.
More importantly, our Client is very happy with the quality of our report:
"Thank you, Zoran,
Report looks good
Oscar Saunder, Assistant Project Manager,
Orion Consulting
August 2022
Parkes Special Activation Precinct (SAP) Project, in Parkes, NSW – Traffic Engineering Centre are the exclusive Road Safety Auditors on this project
Traffic Engineering Centre continues to help Fulton Hogan on this project and successfully delivered another [4th so far] Road Safety Audit of a traffic switch. The Road Safety Audit assessed whether the installed temporary traffic management complies with the standards/guidelines and that the arrangement of traffic control devices is clear and conducive to road safety.
August 2022
City of Parramatta - another very satisfied customer of Traffic Engineering Centre
(task: Road Safety Audit of the existing car parking facilities located within Binalong Park, at 197 Binalong Road, in Old Toongabbie, NSW & Design plan for the signage and pavement marking upgrade)
"Hi Zoran,
Thank you for the report. I have had a very quick read through and I’m very happy with the inclusions and level of detail you have provided.
Much appreciated,
Tom "
Tom Atkins
Senior Landscape Architect, AILA
City of Parramatta
August 2022
Path Intrusion Reaction Time Studies - Dr. Jeffrey Muttart, Ph.D., of Crash Safety Research (USA)
Our Directior, Zoran Bakovic, has successfully completed forensic training in factors that influence path intrusion reaction time and successfully passed the exam.
The trainer was Dr. Jeffrey Muttart, Ph.D., of Crash Safety Research (USA), one of the leading experts on Human factors in the USA and worldwide.
This course addresses the following:
- How to measure PRT (Perception Reaction Time)
- Factors that influence PRT
- Components of PRT
- When not to use PRT
July 2022
ICOMBINED 360 & Allroad Group & Traffic Engineering Centre - a joint venture aiming to further improve safety at road construction sites
I am pleased to say that ‘ICOMBINED 360’ and ‘AllRoad Group’ and have engaged ‘Traffic Engineering Centre’ to help their already great and skillful team of experts, to perform even better by understanding principles of road safety audits; issues associated with the implementation of e.g., TCPs, TCMPs; potential liabilities; and other traffic safety issues associated with a road construction site.
Gareth Mace, General Manager of ‘ICOMBINES 360’, has initiated this great collaboration and the yesterday’s session was only the beginning of our joint venture into making construction sites [managed by ‘ICOMBINED’ and ‘Allroad Group’] as reasonably safe as they get.
I am sure, this venture [bringing great skill, experience, knowledge, energy, and attitude embedded into the project] will improve the safety of all road users and construction workers - one project at a time.
June 2022
Branch Support Partnership with the AITPM – NSW
Yesterday, on behalf of the Traffic Engineering Centre, I signed another 3-year extension of the Branch Support Partnership with the AITPM – NSW.
Already, for the last 7 (seven) years, Traffic Engineering Centre was either the Major Branch Sponsor or Branch Sponsor, and this is only a continuation of our great and long-lasting partnership with the AITPM NSW in years to come.
June 2022
Trafalgar Avenue, between McMasters Road and The Esplanade, in Umina Beach, NSW - making a safer environment for cyclists and pedestrians
Central Coast Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Center and successfully delivered comprehensive traffic safety assessments of Trafalgar Avenue, between McMasters Road and The Esplanade, in Umina Beach, NSW.
We have checked whether the traffic safety features of Trafalgar Avenue, in Umina Beach, NSW, were suitable for the intended purpose and conducive to a safe road environment for all types of road users, with emphasis on the pedestrians’ and cyclists’ safety and past crashes.
Traffic Engineering Centre has checked for compliance of current infrastructure against relevant standards (i.e., Signage, speed limits, sight distances, line-marking, etc), and made brief recommendations for improvements and/or upgrades.
June 2022
Feasibility traffic safety assessment of Zebra pedestrian crossing on George Street, in Bathurst, NSW
Traffic Engineering Centre has been engaged by Bathurst Regional Council and successfully delivered comprehensive feasibility stage traffic safety assessments of a proposed Zebra pedestrian crossing on George Street, in Bathurst CBND, NSW.
As, currently, Zebra pedestrian crossings are not common in Bathurst, Traffic Engineering Centre has checked feasibility of introducing such a crossing and compliance of the proposed facility against relevant standards (i.e., Signage, speed limits, sight distances, line-marking, etc), and made brief recommendations for desirable improvements.
May 2022
Traffic safety assessment of 2 (two) causeway crossing on Oak Road, in Matcham, NSW.
Traffic Engineering Centre has been engaged by Central Coast Council and successfully delivered comprehensive traffic safety assessments of 2 (two) causeway crossing on Oak Road, in Matcham, NSW.
These causeways were not only fully under the floodwater during the last major flooding event but, unfortunately, also claimed one life.
Traffic Engineering Centre has checked for compliance of current infrastructure against relevant standards (i.e., Signage, speed limits, sight distances, line-marking, etc), and made brief recommendations for improvements and/or upgrades.
May 2022
Driver Responses at Curves, Obstacles, and Intersections - Dr. Jeffrey Muttart, Ph.D., of Crash Safety Research (USA)
I have successfully completed forensic training in factors that influence drivers' responses at curves, obstacles, and intersections and successfully passed the exam.
The trainer was Dr. Jeffrey Muttart, Ph.D., of Crash Safety Research (USA), one of the leading experts on Human factors in the USA and worldwide.
April 2022
Traffic Engineering Centre Scholarship - Youth Off the Street
For us in Traffic Engineering Centre, business is much more than a job well done, making a profit, and providing food at the family table.
It is also an opportunity to help others, less fortunate young people in particular, through supporting Youth Off the Street, a non-denominational organisation working for young people who are facing challenges of homelessness, drug dependency, and recovering from abuse.
Traffic Engineering Centre will continue to provide funding for the Scholarship for one of these young people, for another 2 years, as these young people work hard to turn their lives and overcome immense personal traumas such as neglect and physical, psychological, and emotional abuse.
"Dear Mr Bakovic,
Can I just say that my heart is singing with joy! I am so happy that you have committed to sponsoring a YP for this year. You are truly an amazing human being and we are so thankful to you and Traffic Engineering Centre for your generosity.
I will be in touch in a few months with more details and information. In the meantime, I pray blessings on you and your family and That TEC goes from strength to strength.
Kind regards,
Jude Lopez
Scholarships Coordinator
Youth Off The Streets Limited
PO BOX 6025 Alexandria NSW 2015
Phone: 0491 222 312
April 2022
Factors that influence night-time recognition - Dr. Jeffrey Muttart, Ph.D., of Crash Safety Research (USA)
Our Director, Zoran Bakovic, has successfully completed forensic training in factors that influence night-time recognition and successfully passed the exam.
The trainer was Dr. Jeffrey Muttart, Ph.D., of Crash Safety Research (USA), one of the leading experts on Human factors in the USA and worldwide.
This course addresses the factors that influence drivers’ ability to recognize hazards at night:
- Contrast
- Anticipation
- Pattern
- Lighting
- Eccentricity
- Time to Exposure
- Size
Also, the course covered;
- The difference between ‘visibility’ and ‘recognition’,
- How drivers’ expectancies can be addressed by the information available to drivers.
- Influence of age of the driver
April 2022
Traffic Impact and Parking Assessment Study - Single Storey 14-room Boarding House, at 141 Meehan Street, in Yass, NSW
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered a traffic and parking impact assessment for the proposed Single Storey 14-room Boarding House, at 141 Meehan Street, in Yass, NSW.
The particular study’s tasks included:
- Review the proposed traffic and parking arrangements within the vicinity of the development site
- Calculate the additional traffic generation and parking demand that might result from the proposed use of the site
- Identify the Council’s requirements that are pertinent to the site
- Demonstrate how the proposed development complies with the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP, Yass Council Policies, and Australian Standards.
March 2022
Pedestrian Walking Speed & Gap Acceptance - Dr. Jeffrey Muttart, Ph.D., of Crash Safety Research (USA)
Our Director, Zoran Bakovic, has successfully completed forensic training in Pedestrian Walking Speed & Gap Acceptance and successfully passed the exam.
The trainer was Dr. Jeffrey Muttart, Ph.D., of Crash Safety Research (USA), one of the leading experts on Human factors in the USA, and worldwide.
This very comprehensive course contains an in-depth review of topics, including:
- Gap acceptance (how far away must the next car be for a pedestrian to cross)
- Reaction time to the pedestrian signal
- Ability to appreciate their own complicity
- Walking / running speeds and factors affecting it, such as:
- Age
- Obesity
- Traffic
- Weather
- Several other factors
March 2022
Motorcycle Collision Reconstruction
Our Director, Zoran Bakovic, has successfully completed a 4-day-full-time Motorcycle Collision Reconstruction training organized by ASPACI (Australian and South Pacific Association of Collision Investigators) and successfully passed the final exam.
The trainer was Louis Peck, one of the leading experts on Motorcycle Collision Reconstruction in the USA, and a Member of the A.C.T.A.R. Governing Board of Directors.
This very comprehensive course contains an in-depth review of topics including:
- motorcycle kinematics, and dynamics
- motorcycle inspection,
- motorcyclists Perception Response Time PRT,
- braking swerve,
- acceleration,
- sliding friction,
- wheel base reduction,
- rotational mechanics for estimating motorcycle impact speed;
- rider vault for impact speed estimation;
- EDRs in motorcycle collision reconstruction;
- intro to Excel for motorcycle collision;
- application of the Monte Carlo statistical method for motorcycle collision reconstruction.

February 2022
Shared Path, beside Pittwater Road, in East Ryde, NSW – City of Ryde
City of Ryde has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a comprehensive Road Safety Audit of the newly constructed shared path beside Pittwater Road, in East Ryde, NSW.
Once again, Traffic Engineering Centre helped our clients in their attempt to deliver a reasonably safe facility to be used by cyclists and pedestrians conveniently, by identifying the conflicts between the shared path users and between cyclists/pedestrians and vehicles.
Our very comprehensive report examined deficiencies and the causes of conflicts on the shared path and provided information [to the City of Ryde] on methods that aim to reduce these conflicts.

February 2022
Parkes Special Activation Precinct (SAP) Project
Once again, our experts from the Traffic Engineering Centre have been engaged as road safety auditors during the construction stage of a capital infrastructural project - this time, it is the Parkes Special Activation Precinct (SAP) Project, in Parkes, NSW.
This is the first Special Activation Precinct for regional NSW. The Parkes precinct will deliver opportunities for investment, business development, and employment growth for new and existing industries in the Central West.
The Parkes precinct covers an area of 4,800 hectares, taking advantage of its location at the only junction of Australia's two rail spines, the Inland Rail and the Trans-Australian Railway.
Already home to the National Logistics Hub, the precinct's location will provide suppliers access to 80 percent of Australia's population within 12 hours by road or rail, allowing local products to be delivered across Australia and around the world.

February 2022
Scone TAFE Campus - Multi Skills Hub, at 26-28 Main Street, in Scone, NSW – Traffic Impact and Parking Assessment Study
After being engaged by TAFE NSW c/o JDH Architects, Traffic Engineering Centre had delivered a comprehensive traffic impact and parking assessment study associated with the proposed Scone TAFE Campus - Multi Skills Hub, at 26-28 Main Street, in Scone, NSW
The study assessed potential traffic and transport impact and parking requirements for a proposed Scone TAFE Campus - Multi Skills Hub including a proposed storage/workshop building at the Scone Campus.

February 2022
Cabramatta Loop Project
Once again, our experts from the Traffic Engineering Centre have been engaged by Fulton Hogan as the exclusive road safety auditors during the construction stage of another major infrastructural project - this time, it is the Cabramatta Loop Project.
The Cabramatta Loop Project will increase rail freight capacity on the Southern Sydney Freight Line by allowing freight trains travelling in either direction to pass each other. Together with the Botany Rail Duplication, it will build capacity to meet predicted growth in demand for freight to be carried on rail between Port Botany and metropolitan freight intermodal terminals.
Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) is delivering the project on behalf of the Australian Government.
The Cabramatta Loop Project includes the following key features:
New rail track – providing a 1.65 kilometre long section of new track adjacent to the existing track, with connections to the existing track at the northern and southern ends
Track realignment – moving about 550 metres of existing track sideways to make room for the new track
Bridge works – constructing two new bridge structures adjacent to the existing rail bridges over Sussex Street and Cabramatta Creek
Road works – reconfiguring Broomfield Street for a distance of about 680 metres between Sussex and Bridge streets.
The diagram below illustrates the key features of the project.

January 2022
Traffic Engineering Centre is celebrating 10 (ten) years in business
Traffic Engineering Centre is celebrating its 10th year in business, helping our clients to make Australia a better place - one project at a time.
We would like to use this occasion to thank our dear clients, without whom all this would not be possible. We continue to measure our success based on our clients' satisfaction, as we are not in business simply to make money - rather, we are in this business to add value to our clients.
We would also like to thank our team members and friends for doing something we are all really proud of, and for helping Traffic Engineering Centre to become a company of value, rather than just a company of success.

January 2022
St. Antony's Early Childhood Centre, at 129 Balaclava Road, in Marsfield NSW 2122
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by Sydney Catholic Early Childhood Services (SCECS) and JDH Architects, and successfully delivered a comprehensive traffic impact and parking study associated with the proposed St. Antony's Early Childhood Centre, at 129 Balaclava Road, in Marsfield NSW
The study showed that the maximum likely increase in traffic activity, as a consequence of the development, is insignificant when considered within the context of the existing traffic volumes on the adjacent road network, unlikely to have any unacceptable traffic implications in terms of either road capacity or traffic safety.
The study showed that the development is also unlikely to have an adverse impact upon parking, existing public transport, pedestrian or cyclists' amenity, and safety.

January 2022
I am excited to add Virtual Crash 5 Accident Reconstruction Software to my set of accident analysis and reconstruction tools, thus being able to even better assist my clients among Solicitors and Barristers, as well as the Courts.

December 2021
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our clients, team members, and friends! 😀
All the best in 2022, everyone !😀

December 2021
Our Director, Zoran Bakovic, has became a Member of The Institute of Traffic Accident Investigators (UK), a world leader in the field of traffic accident investigation.

October 2021
Traffic safety assessment of 5 (five) low-level bridges within The Hills Shire Council LGA.
Traffic Engineering Centre has been engaged by The Hills Shire Council, and successfully delivered 5 (five) comprehensive traffic safety assessments of 5 (five) low-level bridges within the LGA.
These bridges were not only fully under the floodwater during the last major flooding event but, unfortunately, also claimed one life.
Traffic Engineering Centre has checked for compliance of current infrastructure against relevant standards (i.e., signage, speed limits, sight distances, line-marking, location of flood gates etc), and made brief recommendations for improvements and/or upgrades.
I am glad to say that our client was also happy with our detailed and comprehensive analysis:
"Thank you Zoran, the reports look very comprehensive."
Sarah Barwick
Manager - Civil Works
The Hills Shire Council

October 2021
Our 9th Anniversary... and enjoying the 10th year in business
Today, Traffic Engineering Centre is celebrating the 9th anniversary of helping our clients to make Australia a better place - one project at a time.
We would like to use this occasion to thank our dear Clients, without whom all this would not be possible. We continue to measure our success based on our clients' satisfaction, as we are not in business simply to make money - rather, we are in this business to add value to our clients, which will earn us equitable compensation.
We would also like to thank our team members and friends, for doing something we are all really proud of, and for helping Traffic Engineering Centre to become a company of value, rather than just a company of success

October 2021
Another project, North Sydney Olympic Pool Redevelopment, another happy client of Traffic Engineering Centre:
"Hi Zoran,
I’ve passed on your contact details to the guys around the office and let them know how helpful you were for our Milsons Point project.
I hope to work with you again in the future.
Kind Regards,"
Emma Bourne
Contract Administrator | Renfay Projects

October 2021
Blacktown City Council - another very satisfied customer of Traffic Engineering Centre
(task: to advise the Council on traffic generation - 300 dwellings in the Grantham Estate, Blacktown LGA)
"Hi Zoran,
I would like to say thank you for completing this task in such a short period of time to a high standard – we appreciate it.
Kind Regards,"
Project Management Officer
Blacktown City Council

September 2021
Traffic Engineering Centre is now operating from a new address
I am pleased to announce that, after 9 (nine) years in Lindfield, Traffic Engineering Centre has moved to a new location, in order to serve our clients even better, and to provide even more of the contemporary office space for our staff members.
Our new address is:
Suite 902, 225 Miller St, North Sydney NSW 2060
Our phone numbers and email addresses remain the same.

June 2021
Shared Path, beside Peats Ferry Road, in Hornsby, NSW - Hornsby Shire Council
After being engaged by the Hornsby Shire Council, Traffic Engineering Centre has delivered a comprehensive Road Safety Audit of the proposed [but still under construction] Shared Path, beside Peats Ferry Road, in Hornsby, NSW.
Once again, Traffic Engineering Centre helped our clients in their attempt to deliver a reasonably safe facility to be used by cyclists and pedestrians in a convenient manner, by identifying the conflicts between cyclists and pedestrians and between the shared path users and vehicles.
Our very comprehensive, 89-page long report examined deficiencies and the causes of conflicts on the shared path and provided information [to the Hornsby Shire Council] on methods that aim to reduce these conflicts.

June 2021
Traffic Engineering Centre Scholarship - update (Youth Off the Street)
"Dear Mr Bakovic,
It is with great pleasure that I attach the first six-monthly update for Khodi.
You will notice that Khodi is progressing in leaps and bounds and is so grateful for the opportunity.
I myself was overwhelmed when I received his update and feel so blessed to be a part of Fr Chris Riley’s YOTS.
Let me take the opportunity on behalf of all of us here at YOTS to thank you for your very generous support over the years. You make the impossible, possible.
Have a wonderful day.
Kind regards,
PS. BTW, thank you for sending me the TEC Financial Year Calendar. This is the only calendar that I use at work! Much appreciated. "
Jude Lopez
Scholarships Coordinator
Youth Off The Streets Limited

April 2021
Traffic Engineering Centre has won the Contract to help the Central Coast Council with their Road Safety Program 20/21
This is the second year in raw for us to win the Contract, and to be in the position to help the Council by doing our best to ensure a reasonably safe road environment for all road users, through delivering a significant number of Road Safety Audits for various Safer Roads projects.
In turn, our work will reduce the chance for conflicts and subsequent collisions between various road users, with emphasis on vulnerable road users, such as e.g. pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.
Last year, we successfully delivered a significant number of comprehensive Road Safety Audits, thus helping the Central Coast Council to successfully deliver their various Safer Roads projects 19/20, within all three main Regions of the Council’s LGA.

April 2021
Our Director, Zoran Bakovic has became a Member of the California Association of Accident Reconstruction Specialists (CA2RS).
CA2RS is the second largest Accident Reconstruction organisation in the United States.

March 2021
Parking Study for Arthur Phillip Park, in Northmead, NSW - City of Parramatta
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by the City of Parramatta, and successfully delivered a comprehensive parking study focused on ensuring adequate car parking for the proposed future public amenities within Arthur Phillip Park, in Northmead, NSW.
The study demonstrated that the existing and future parking demand [generated by proposed future use] could be satisfied by the existing on-street and off-street parking facilities, located adjacent to the park.

March 2021
Parking Assessment Study – Binalong Park, in Old Toongabbie, NSW - City of Parramatta
In quick succession, Traffic Engineering Centre successfully delivered the second parking study [for the City of Parramatta] focused on ensuring adequate car parking for the proposed future public amenities within Binalong Park, in Old Toongabbie, NSW.
The comprehensive study demonstrated that the existing and future parking demand [generated by proposed future use] could be satisfied with the existing on-street and off-street parking facilities, located adjacent to the park.

February 2021
Nowra Bridge Project & Traffic Engineering Centre
Our experts from Traffic Engineering Centre, are exclusive road safety auditors on the Nowra Bridge Project since the project commenced in February 2020.
The project is one of the priority projects in the Australian Government's Infrastructure Priority List, jointly funded by the federal and NSW governments, with an estimated cost of $342million.
The project involves the construction of a new four-lane bridge over the Shoalhaven River, on the Princes Highway, in Nowra, NSW.
Below is a part of an article from the latest issue of 'The Roadbuilder'.

24 January 2021
Jude Lopez, Scholarship Coordinator at Fr. Riley's Youth Off the Streets
Mr Bakovic, congratulations on this milestone achievement. Well done to you and your team. We would also like to thank you and your team for your very generous and continuous support of the Fr Chris Riley's Youth Off The Streets National Scholarship Program. It's because of people and organisations like yourself that we have been able to offer educational scholarships to over 360 very talented yet disadvantaged young Australians for the past 17 years. You are an integral part of the success of the program and we thank you and your team from the bottom of our hearts. Wishing Traffic Engineering Centre many more years of success in Australia. Thank you Mr Bakovic.
14 August 2020
Nowra Bridge project - Princes Highway upgrade
Once again, our experts from the Traffic Engineering Centre have been engaged as exclusive road safety auditors during the construction stage of a capital infrastructural project - this time, it is the Nowra Bridge project - Princes Highway upgrade.
This $342 million project will improve traffic flow and ease congestion on a major section of the Princes Highway and deliver safer and more reliable journeys within the Nowra-Bomaderry area.
Currently, this is our 5th long-term engagement on the NSW Government-funded projects, where we help our clients by conduction road safety audits of the highest quality. The other 4 (four) current contracts/projects include: 1. WestConnex M4-M5 Link Tunnels 2. The Northern Road Upgrade Project, Stage 5; 3. The Northern Road Upgrade Project, Stage 6; and 4. Albion Park Rail Bypass.
Previously, as the exclusive road safety auditors, we were engaged on a number of capital projects such were Berry Bypass (Princes Highway upgrade); Gerringong Bypass (Princes Highway upgrade), and, of course, the recent upgrade of the Harbour Bridge, here in Sydney, or, officially, Sydney Harbour Bridge Toll Plaza Removal project.

April 2020
Traffic Safety Analysis and Solutions for Lane Cove National Park, in Sydney
After being hired by the National Parks and Wildlife Services of NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment; Traffic Engineering Centre undertook a comprehensive traffic safety analysis at two locations in the Lane Cove National Park.
The two studied areas were Lane Cove Depot Road, shared by vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians, and ‘a square’ [or what we internally called ‘a piazza’😊] adjacent to the Lane Cove Weir, shared and enjoyed exclusively by cyclists and pedestrians.
Considering the recreational nature of the park, our balanced approach toward a solution that would improve the safety of all park users was based on the principle that:
- Pedestrian and cyclists priority and quality of life should take precedence over ease of a driver’s movement on Lane Cove Depot Road, and
- Pedestrian priority and quality of life should take precedence over ease of a cyclist’s movement across the Lane Cove Weir and within the so-called square, populated by kids and older people, among all other park patrons.

February 2020
The University of Newcastle – another traffic safety study
Following a great and comprehensive traffic safety study delivered for its Callaghan Campus, The University of Newcastle has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre once again, this time to undertake a traffic safety study, incorporating a Stage 5 (existing road) Road Safety Audit, of the road network within the University’s Ourimbah campus, on the Central Coast, NSW.

November 2019
The University of Newcastle – traffic safety study
We are glad to announce that Traffic Engineering Centre has been engaged by The University of Newcastle, to undertake a traffic safety study, incorporating a Stage 5 (existing road) Road Safety Audit, of the road network within the Campus, in Callaghan, NSW, with emphasis on the 7 (seven) already known traffic safety hotspots.

November 2019
IPWEA NSW State Conference 2019
Our Director, Zoran Bakovic, presented about road safety audits of roadworks construction sites and how to make the construction sites reasonably safe.
October 2019
Willoughby City Council TIA
Another great traffic impact and parking assessment study for Willoughby City Council
I am pleased to say that Traffic Engineering Centre has extended an already great portfolio of the studies done for the Willoughby City Council by successfully delivering another traffic impact and parking assessment study, which has identified potential impacts of the proposed additional extended use of the Artarmon Kids Cottage Community Centre, at 18 Broughton Road, in Artarmon, NSW.
Willoughby City Council is seeking to change the use of this facility so as to include community use and increase the hours of use to be consistent with other community facilities run by the Council.

October 2019
Today, Traffic Engineering Centre is celebrating our 7th anniversary of helping our clients to make Australia a better place - one project at a time. We would like to use this occasion to thank our dear Clients, without whom all this would not be possible. We continue to measure our success based on our clients' satisfaction, as we arenot in business simply to make money - rather, we are in this business to add value to our clients, which will earn us equitable compensation. We would also like to thank our team members and friends, for doing something we are all really proud of, and for helping Traffic Engineering Centre to become a company of value, rather than just a company of success.

March 2018
Traffic Engineering Centre - a philanthropic company
For us in Traffic Engineering Centre, business is much more than a job well done, making profit, and providing food at family table.
It is also an opportunity to help others, less fortunate young people in particular, through supporting Youth Off the Street, a non-denominational organisation working for young people who are facing challenges of homelessness, drug dependency and recovering from abuse.
Traffic Engineering Centre tries to make Australia even a better place, by supporting these young people as they work to turn their lives and overcome immense personal traumas such as neglect and physical, psychological, and emotional abuse.

19 March 2018
Traffic Engineering Centre - Major Branch Sponsorship of the AITPM (NSW & ACT) for the 3rd year in row
Traffic Engineering Centre is entering into 3rd year as Major Branch Sponsorship of the AITPM (NSW & ACT). Two of the synonymous for traffic engineering and traffic planning continue to maintain partnership driven by a shared commitment to inspire through excellence and creativity.
5 March 2018
Harbour Bridge, upgrade to the Southern Toll Plaza Precinct - Construction stage and Pre-opening Road Safety Audits
Traffic Engineering Centre has just delivered its 12th (twelfth) Road Safety Audit for the Sydney Harbour Bridge Southern Precinct Upgrade Construction Project, which is now moving into its final stage which will see the traffic lanes in their final arrangement.
For us, it was a privilege to participate in this project, by helping both the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) NSW and Ventia Amey Boral Joint Venture, to maintain the traffic and workers safety throughout the life of the project, while they were removing the toll booths and upgrading the southern end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Our extensive skill, knowledge, and vast experience of undertaking road safety audits on some of the most capital projects in NSW [such as Princess Highway Upgrade, Great Western Highway Upgrade, Northern Road upgrade etc.] helped us to succeed in improving safety of traffic movements to and from the Western Distributor and northern Sydney CBD.
28 February 2018
Proposed temporary use of the land at 25 Nollands Road, Fiddletown, NSW for wedding receptions - Traffic impact and parking assessment study
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned to undertake a traffic and parking impact assessment of the proposed temporary use of the land for wedding receptions at 25 Nollands Road, in Fiddletown, NSW.
The study tasks included:
- Review the current traffic and parking arrangements within the vicinity of the development site;
- Calculate the additional traffic generation and parking demand that might result from the proposed temporary use of the land for wedding receptions;
- Compare the existing traffic levels on Nollands Road, adjacent to the site with the anticipated road usage levels during wedding events;
- Identify the Council’s requirements that are pertinent to the site;
- Recommend measures to ameliorate any traffic and parking impact (if any) arising from wedding events at this site.
7 February 2018
MR687 Schofields Road / Alex Avenue / Boundary Road intersection in Schofields, NSW
There was an increased number of crossing / turning accidents that occurred at the intersection recently.
Therefore, Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) NSW and Mott MacDonald has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to help them:- To identify road safety concerns related to the temporary traffic management at the construction site at the MR687 Schofields Road / Alex Avenue / Boundary Road intersection; and
- To assess potential cause for recently increased number of crossing / turning accident that occurred at the intersection
We have proposed three sound and feasible solutions which would, in all likelihood and foreseen circumstances, reduce the chance for the crossing / turning accidents to occur again.
2 February 2018
HW5 - Great Western Highway - Safety Upgrades between Katoomba and Mount Victoria - Section C alternative road design, NSW
Mott MacDonald has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of the detailed design package for the HW5 - Great Western Highway - Safety Upgrades between Katoomba and Mount Victoria - Section C alternative road design, and to assess whether the design complies with the standards/guidelines and whether the arrangement is clear and conductive to road safety.
24 January 2018
Smithfield Road upgrade - further helping Fairfield City Council
After an outstanding performance on the recent two occasions, it comes with no surprise when Fairfield City Council awarded Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake the following four additional design stage road safety audits:
- Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of the detailed design for Smithfield Road, at King Road;
- Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of the detailed design for Smithfield Road, at Richards Road including Richard Road/Winburndale Road roundabout;
- Stage 2 (Preliminary design) Road Safety Audit of the concept design for Smithfield Road, Scotchey Street;
- Stage 2 (Preliminary design) Road Safety Audit of the concept design for Smithfield Road, at Dunstan Street, Beavors Road & Berry Street; Fairfield LGA, NSW.
18 January 2018
The Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Development - IMEX No 1
The Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Development - IMEX No 1 will provide an open access import-export (IMEX) freight terminal on the eastern side of Moorebank Ave at Moorebank.
Traffic Engineering Centre had been engaged by Fulton Hogan, and successfully delivered a pre-opening / construction stage road safety audit at the Moorebank Avenue / Private Road intersection.
1 January 2018
We were glad to spend NYE together with our Associate, Andre Dantas, PhD, one of the world leading experts in public transport and traffic planning...alongside our respective families.
On behalf of Traffic Engineering Centre, I wish a happy and prosperous New Year to our dear clients, staff members, and friends, all of whom are helping us to make Australia better place - one project at a time. All the best in 2018!
20 December 2017
Darcy Street, Parramatta Square Project in Parramatta, NSW
Parramatta Square is set to become a visionary, world-class landmark and destination in the heart of the Parramatta CBD.
When Parramatta Square opens for business, Darcy Street will offer a seamless single-level passageway. this will connect commuters and travellers moving between Parramatta Station and Parramatta Square’s new public domain.
BG&E, an award-winning, employee owned consulting engineering practice working internationally from offices located in Australia, the Middle East and the United Kingdom, selected Traffic Engineering Centre, a brand name in the field of road safety auditing, to undertake a road safety audit of their concept design for Darcy Street, and to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in the concept design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
15 December 2017
HW6 - Mid-Western Highway, CH 33.61km to CH 33.93km from Bathurst, Martha Street Curve Safety Improvements, in Blayney, NSW
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) NSW - Western Region, has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit assessed the detailed design drawings for the Martha Street curve safety improvements, in Blayney, NSW [HW6 - Mid-Western Highway, CH 33.61km to CH 33.93km from Bathurst].
1 December 2017
Proposed Shared Path (SUP) Richmond Road, from Woodcroft Drive to Knox Road, in Doonside, NSW - Blacktown City Council
After being engaged by Blacktown City Council, Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully undertaken a Stage 2 (Preliminary design) Road Safety Audit of the proposed shared path (SUP) Richmond Road, from Woodcroft Drive to Knox Road, in Doonside, NSW.
14 November 2017
Firehorse Lane Shared Zone, in Parramatta, NSW
City of Paramatta has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a road safety audit of the concept design for the Firehorse Lane Shared Zone, aiming to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in the concept design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
The other objectives of this road safety audit were to:
- Check the compatibility between the safety features and the functional classification of the roads
- Identify any feature that can, either now or with time, create a safety problem
- Identify additional features at the site that pose a safety hazard or risk to any of the road users
10 November 2017
Invited Speaker to the IPWEA State Conference 2017
Our Director, Zoran Bakovic, was delighted to be invited as a speaker, at the IPWEA NSW State Conference 2017, on Friday, 10 November 2017.
It was a great opportunity for him to share his extensive experience and knowledge, by presenting “How to think outside the box while auditing pedestrian and cycling facilities”.
The presentation was well received from the industry experts…
“Hi Zoran,
On behalf of the IPWEA Board and Conference Committee I wish to thank you for your presentation, it was highly enlightening and thought provoking.
Your enthusiasm for your subject matter is amazing.”
Grant Baker, Director Infrastructure Services, Blayney Shire Council
1 November 2017
Stage 4 (pre-opening) Road Safety Audits of two newly upgraded sections of the HW5 Great Western Highway reconstruction STN 28.74km to STN 33.12km, west of Katoomba, NSW
Roads and Maritime Services NSW carried out extensive work on safety and road improvements on the Great Western Highway. this upgrade is being carried out in sections to provide road users with a better travelling experience, while the key features of the project include:
- Improvements along the existing highway, including changes to curves to make them safer
- New structure over White Creek to lessen the risk of black ice formation
- Upgrade of several main intersections
- Better delineation
- Improved road surface
On this capital project, Traffic Engineering Centre was chosen by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) NSW, to: check the compatibility between the safety features and the standard requirements; check the compatibility between safety features of completed work and functional classification of the surrounding road sections; identify any feature that can, either now or with time, create a safety problem; identify additional features at the site that pose a safety hazard or risk to any of the road users; and identify construction features that, if changed, could enhance safety, by undertaking Stage 4 (pre-opening ) Road safety audit along the following two newly upgraded road sections:
- HW5 Great Western Highway - reconstruction at Forty Bends STN 30.74km to STN 33.12km, west of Katoomba, NSW
- HW5 - Great Western Highway, CH 28.74km to CH 30.77km, west of Katoomba, NSW - River Lett Hill to Forty Bends Safety Improvements
20 October 2017
Smithfield Road upgrade - continuation of our work for Fairfield City Council
As Fairfield City Council was more than happy with the quality of our work on the previous occasion, Traffic Engineering Centre ahs been engaged once again, this time to undertake the following two design stage road safety audits:
- Package 1 (P1): Smithfield Road, from Elizabeth Drive to Porteous Street, in Bonnyrigg Height, NSW
- Package 2 (P2): Smithfield Road, from Fitzgerald Avenue (south) to Edensor Road, in Bonnyrigg Height, NSW
12 October 2017
Our 5th Anniversary
Today, Traffic Engineering Centre is celebrating our 5th anniversary of helping our clients to make Australia a better place - one project at a time. We would like to use this occasion to thank our dear Clients, without whom all this would not be possible. We continue to measure our success based on our clients' satisfaction, as we are not in business simply to make money - rather, we are in this business to add value to our clients, which will earn us equitable compensation.
We would also like to thank our team members and friends, for doing something we are all really proud of, and for helping Traffic Engineering Centre to become a company of value, rather than just a company of success.
4 September 2017
Withstand Lawyers, with offices in Sydney and Perth, and with a solid reputation in family law, compensation law, immigration and conveyancing, is a law firm passionate in delivering their best to their clients.
Therefore, it was a measure of our success, when such a great law company engaged our Director, Zoran Bakovic, an experienced Forensic Traffic Engineer and Expert Witness, to help them on four different court cases, regarding accident investigation and reconstruction.
27 July 2017
I had another opportunity to meet the great man, Father Chis Riley, CEO and Founder at Youth Off the Streets, at the annual Open Day on Wednesday 26 July 2017. Open Day was a chance to go behind the scenes of an innovative youth support program. Traffic Engineering Centre, financially supported this great cause for the last 5 years, and will continue to support Youth Off the Streets, a non-denominational organisation working for young people who are facing challenges of homelessness, drug dependency and recovering from abuse. Traffic Engineering Centre tries to make Australia an even better place, by supporting these young people as they work to turn their lives and overcome immense personal traumas such as neglect and physical, psychological, and emotional abuse.
17 July 2017
Smithfield Road upgrade - Fairfield City Council
Fairfield City Council aims to upgrade Smithfield Road so that drivers and commuters in Fairfield LGA would spend less time stuck in traffic and more time with their families.
The Council will start more major work to double the amount of lanes between Polding Street and Elizabeth Drive mid-2018, which includes:
- Creating a 4-lane, 2-way carriageway along Smithfield Road, including widening to accommodate four (4) lanes;
- Realignment of Richards Road and the Fairfield Showground entrance with new traffic signals;
- Additional slip lanes for left turning traffic from Smithfield Road into King Road;
- Installing peak period parking restrictions to facilitate the movement of traffic;
- Right turns to and from Smithfield Road will be modified at Cherokee Avenue and Waverly Street.
- No Right turns to and from Polding Street and Smithfield Road at Waverly Street will be permitted.
At this stage, Fairfield City Council engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake the following two detailed design stage road safety audits:
- Package 3 (P3): Smithfield Road, from Edensor Road to Canley Vale Road / Myrtle Road intersection
- Package 6 (P6): Smithfield Road from King Road to Polding Street
7 July 2017
Road Safety Improvements, Western Region of NSW
Major upgrade of some sections of Sofala Road and the Mitchell Highway, aim to improve safety for all road users, as there were a number of crashes during the last 5 years which resulted in injuries within the roads sections.
Traffic Engineering Centre was chosen by Roads and Maritimes Services (RMS) NSW, to undertake Stage 3 (detailed design) road safety audits for the following designs:
- MR54 - Sofala Road Safety Improvements, Sofala Road Curves, 4.60km to 5.72km from Hill End Road, NSW
- HW7 - Mitchell Highway, Median Barrier Installation and Overtaking Lane Extension at Lucknow East from CH 43.000 km to CH 45.260km from Bathurst, NSW
30 June 2017
Another successful Financial year
We created strong brand recognition and extended a loyal customer base. Traffic Engineering Centre is further growing its business by expanding in areas of forensic traffic collision investigations, and traffic/transport related site design projects.
We would like to use this occasion to thank our dear clients, without whom all this would not be possible. We continue to measure our success based on our clients' satisfaction, and live by the motto "Our clients are our partners".
We would also like to thank our team members and friends, for doing something we are all really proud of, and for helping Traffic Engineering Centre to become a company of value, rather than just a company of success.
29 June 2017
Ongoing support to Youth off The Street
Traffic Engineering Centre continues to donate to the Youth Off the Street, thus supporting their hard work across Western Sydney to help the young people and families that need it most.
One of the biggest issues is hidden homelessness, those who aren’t’ sleeping on the streets but don’t have a place to go home to every night.
27 June 2017
The Northern Road Upgrade Stage 6, between Easton Road and Littlefields Road, in Luddenham, NSW
The Australian and NSW governments are upgrading The Northern Road as part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan (WSIP), a 10 year, $3.6 billion road investment program.
Roads and Maritime Services is upgrading around 35 kilometres of The Northern Road between The Old Northern Road, Narellan and Jamison Road, South Penrith from a generally two to four lane undivided road to a six to eight lane divided road.
The Northern Road Upgrade will deliver new and upgraded roads to support integrated transport in the region and capitalise on the economic benefits from developing the Western Sydney Airport at Badgerys Creek. The Upgrade will also provide one of the main arterial transport corridors for the South West Priority Growth Area and the Western Sydney Priority Growth Area. The Northern Road Upgrade will improve safety, increase road capacity and reduce congestion and travel times in the future.
Traffic Engineering Centre was engaged by Mott MacDonald, and, subsequently, has successfully delivered a Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of its design for the Stage 6 of The Northern Road Upgrade project.
The main objective of this road safety audit was to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in the detailed design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
The other objectives of this Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit were to:
- check the compatibility between the safety features and the functional classification of the roads
- identify any feature that can, either now or with time, create a safety problem
- identify additional features at the site that pose a safety hazard or risk to any of the road users
- determine the extent of deficiencies in the detailed design, considering all road user groups
14 June 2017
Cycling and pedestrian facilities, and adjacent road section, between Alexander Avenue and the Production Road canal crossing, in Taren Point, NSW
Sutherland Shire Council is the newest local government which has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre to help them with a risk assessment of the route used by cyclists to cross over the canal at Anglers Club, as well as the cycling and pedestrian facilities and the adjacent road section, between Alexander Avenue and the canal crossing, in Taren Point, NSW.
Sutherland Shire Council is constructing a cycleway through Woolooware Bay between Atkinson Road, Taren Point, through St George and Sutherland Shire Anglers Club site to join onto an existing path extending from Alexander Road (refer to Figure 4.2 below).
A risk assessment is required by the Council, to establish whether the existing Production Road Canal crossing may be safely shared by the Anglers Club members, cyclist and walkers, or whether Sutherland Shire Council must construct an alternate path crossing to separate the users. This road safety audit is intended to be used to inform the risk assessment process.
20 May 2017
Clock Tower Project – Snowy Mountain Highway / Vale Street Roundabout, Cooma, NSW
Hazeldean Pty Ltd, is a pastoral enterprise owned and operated by the Litchfield family of Cooma since 1865.
The Litchfield family would like to donate and build a clock tower, to be located at the central island of the Snowy Mountain Highway (Sharp Street) / Vale Street roundabout, in Cooma, NSW.
Traffic Engineering Centre undertook a Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit and assessed the road safety of the proposed clock tower.
The main aim of this road safety audit was to assess whether the installation of the clock tower would be compatible with the road’s intended use, and at an appropriate level of safety. The audit also aimed to identify features which may develop over time into a safety concern.
This audit also included a review of the sight distances which are a critical safety component of a roundabout.
4 May 2017
Proposed modification to the Star Casino Porte Cochere, in Sydney, NSW
Star Casino has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to assess the safety risks related to the preliminary design for the Casino’s Porte Cochere upgrade, and help them to ensure that international and domestic visitors safely enjoy an attractive and friendly arrival experience. Improvements are planned to the main Porte-Cochere off Jones Bay Road.
25 April 2017
Stage 5 (Existing road) Road Safety Audits of 4 (four) road sections, located within the Singleton LGA, NSW
After being engaged by the Singleton Council, Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered comprehensive Stage 5 (Existing road) Road Safety Audit of the following 4 (four) road sections, within the Singleton LGA:
- Goorangoola Road, from Old Goorangoola Road to Falbrook Road (14.3km)
- Goorangoola Creek Road, sealed section that runs from Old Goorangoola Road (6.3km)
- Old Goorangoola Road, sealed section, from Goorangoola Road (3.4km), before turning into Bowmans Creek Road
- Bowmans Creek Raod, between Old Goorangoola Road and the LGA boundary
Traffic Engineering Centre has checked whether the safety features of the audited road sections are compatible with the intended purpose of the road, and to check whether these features are at an appropriate level of safety.
20 April 2017
Airport North precinct road upgrade
Sydney Airport and Port Botany are two of Australia’s most important international gateways. The roads around the airport and Port Botany are becoming increasingly congested and need to be upgraded.
Roads and Maritime Services is planning to upgrade roads north of Sydney Airport to improve traffic flow and connections to the airport and Port Botany. This includes widening O’Riordan Street to three lanes in each direction between Bourke Road and Robey Street.
On this capital project, Traffic Engineering Centre was chosen by Mott MacDonald [the designers], to undertake Stage 3 (detailed design) road safety audits for the following designs:
1. Widening to six lanes of O’Riordan Street, from Bourke Street to Qantas Drive
2. 80% Interim Design for the Airport North Project, in Mascot, NSW
10 April 2017
Kent Street Underpass - Streetscape Upgrade, Sydney, NSW
City of Sydney has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a Stage 4 (Pre-opening) Road Safety Audit and assess the streetscape upgrade works of the Kent Street Underpass, Sydney, NSW.
The main objective of this road safety audit was to identify road safety concerns related to the streetscape upgrade works on the Kent Street Underpass, and to check that no traffic safety issues were overlooked or misunderstood.
25 March 2017
Navado Lawyers & Solicitors was founded in 2001 with the aim of offering affordable quality legal services to its clients.
Today, Navado Legal and Financial Group hosts the industry’s most dynamic Lawyers, Public Accountants, Tax Agents, Financial Planners and Mortgage Brokers. The alliance of these professionals makes them an unrivalled corporate identity, with a unified goal of providing outstanding and affordable legal, financial and tax services to our commercial and individual clients.
Therefore, it was a measure of our success, when such a great law company engaged our Director, Zoran Bakovic, an experienced Forensic Traffic Engineer and Expert Witness, to help them regarding an accident analysis and the subsequent court case.
17 March 2017
Proud to help Burwood Council once again
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by Burwood Council to undertake the following:
- a traffic impact assessment and traffic safety investigation for theproposed removal of the ‘No Right Turn’ restriction which, currently, prohibits vehicles exiting the Presbyterian Ladies College (PLC) campus from turning right onto Boundary Street to head east (study area 1);
- anestimate of the potential for easing of traffic conditions at the Meta Street bridge intersection with Young and Hennessy Streets resulting from the removal of ‘No Right Turn’,, at the PLC exit driveway, in Croydon, NSW (study area 2).
The investigation also included a review of the:
- possible risk associated with the introduction of this right turning manoeuvre;
- impact on traffic flows in the surrounding streets;
- impact on traffic flows within the PLC site (whose queues can extend out onto Boundary Street).
15 March 2017
Investigation, survey, and concept design of traffic and parking arrangements at The Outpost, in Northbridge, NSW
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by Willoughby City Council (Council) to undertake an investigation, survey, and concept design oftraffic and parking arrangements at The Outpost, in Northbridge, NSW. The purpose of the project being to provide suitable means of access for fire-control and other vehicles in the event of an emergency so that emergencyworkers could effectively protect residential properties as well as the existing buildings and facilities in Warners Park.
The study area is centred on The Outpost, which is located in Northbridge, NSW.
The particular study tasks include:
- review the current traffic and parking arrangements at The Outpost;
- collect the existing on-street parking occupancy;
- prepare a design plan which provides for a suitable path for emergency vehicles and general traffic along The Outpost, while maintaining and defining the areas for parking of vehicles
- prepare a concept design for an upgraded traffic and parking arrangements at The Outpost;
- prepare a plan which marks, for pruning, trees with overhanging branches lower than 4.0m, and produce a tree pruning plan
- identify the authority requirements that are pertinent to the site;
- recommend measures to ameliorate any traffic and parking impact (if any) arising from the study;
- implement a community engagement plan;
- provide support and input into the overall consultation process.
10 March 2017
Domestic driveways, between 13 Penrose Street and 67 Bridge Street, in Lane Cove, NSW – Risk assessment
Once again, Lane Cove Council, has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre, a proven name in the field of road safety, to assess the safety at the domestic driveways accesses between 13 Penrose Street and 67 Bridge Street, in Lane Cove, NSW.
The main aim of this road safety audit was to review the sight distance from and toward the driveways, and safety features of the adjoining road sections and to check that these are compatible with the road’s intended use, and at an appropriate level of safety.
7 March 2017
Development at 834 Pittwater Road, in Dee Why, NSW - Traffic and Parking Impact Assessment Study
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by Australian Pacific College to undertake a traffic and parking impact assessment of a proposed development at 834 Pittwater Road [the Dee Why Grand Mall’s building], in Dee Why, NSW.
The study included:
- review the current traffic and parking arrangements within the vicinity of the development site;
- collect the existing parking occupancies in the adjacent car park and the surrounding streets around the site;
- calculate the additional traffic generation and parking demand that might result from the proposed development;
- compare the existing traffic levels on the streets adjacent to the development site with the anticipated road usage levels once the development is complete;
- identify the Council requirements that are pertinent to the site;
- recommend measures to ameliorate any traffic and parking impact (if any) arising from the development proposal.
4 March 2017
Hampden Lane Shared Zone, Artarmon, NSW - Stage 2 (Preliminary design) Road Safety Audit
LAHEY Constructions engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a Stage 2 (Preliminary design) Road Safety Audit of the concept design for the proposed Hampden Lane Shared Zone, between McMillan Road and Barton Road, in Artarmon, NSW.
3 March 2017
Chamber Russell Lawyers, a commercial law firm with key practice areas in commercial, construction, insurance, litigation, and strata and community title law, has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to assess parking manoeuvres in to a Lot, at 45 Macleay Street, Potts Point NSW.
20 February 2017
Another 7 (seven) of the Stage 5 (Existing road) Road Safety Audits, within the Orange LGA, NSW
Only three weeks, after we successfully delivered the first ever road safety audit to Orange Council, Traffic Engineering Centre has been awarded with a contract to undertake Stage 5 (Existing road) Road Safety Audit of the following 7 (seven) road sections:
1. Phoenix Mine Road, from the Mitchell Hwy to 900m north of Blunt Road
2. Beasley Road, from the Mitchell Hwy to just past Blunt Road
3. Whiley Road, from Spring Street (in Springhill) to Millthorpe Road
4. Seaton Street (in Springhill), between Worboys Street and Spring Street
5. Worboys Street (in Springhill), between Carcoar Street and Seaton Street
6. Forest Road, from 400 metres south of Bloomfield Road to Carcoar Street (in Springhill)
7. Anson Street / Warrendine Street intersection, Orange, NSW
4 February 2017
Old Forbes Road / The Escort Way intersection, just to the west from Orange, NSW
Orange City Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre for the first time, to help them with a Stage 5 (Existing road) Road Safety Audit and assess the existing Old Forbes Road / The Escort Way intersection, to the west from Orange, NSW, aiming to try and ensure that the safety features of the intersecting roads are compatible with the intended use, and that this is an appropriate level of safety.
1 January 2017
"On behalf of Traffic Engineering Centre, I wish a happy and prosperous New Year to our dear clients, staff members, and friends, all of whom are helping us to make Australia a better place - one project at a time.
All the best in 2017!"
Zoran Bakovic, Director
30 December 2016
Harbour Bridge, upgrade to the Southern Toll Plaza Precinct – Construction stage Road Safety Audit of the Stage 1a - Long Term Traffic Switch
Traffic Engineering Centre Pty Ltd Traffic Engineering Centre has been selected and subsequently engaged by the Ventia Amey Boral Joint Venture NSW [the VBA JV NSW] for the Road Safety Audit Services, on the Sydney Harbour Bridge Southern Precinct Upgrade Construction Project.
Work is underway on an upgrade to the Southern Toll Plaza Precinct. This includes the removal of the existing southern toll booths, reconfiguration of the intersection of York and Grosvenor Streets, new gantry signage, drainage work and the adjustment of road levels, asphalting and line marking to realign the traffic and bus lanes.
Today, Traffic Engineering Centre undertook the first of the scheduled Stage 4 (Pre-opening) Road Safety Audits, assessing the ‘as constructed’ implementation of the temporary traffic management for the Stage 1a - Long Term Traffic Switch, Sydney Harbour Bridge toll plaza removal project, in Sydney, NSW.
The main objective of this road safety audit was to identify road safety concerns related to the installed temporary traffic management as part - Stage 1a Long Term Traffic Switch, Sydney Harbour Bridge toll plaza removal project, and to check that no traffic safety issues were overlooked or misunderstood.
11 December 2016
White Rock Wind Farm project, Glen Innes, NSW
Traffic Engineering Centre supports renewable energy developments, which will have a global impact on the reduction of carbon emissions.
Therefore, we were more than delighted to be in position to help Fulton Hogan to successfully deliver this project by undertaking a Stage 4 (Pre-opening) Road Safety Audit, in order to assess the newly constructed main intersection entry to the site off the Gwydir Highway, some 20km to the west from Glen Innes, NSW.
3 November 2016
AITPM ‘Back to Basics’ workshop in Sydney, Australia
Zoran Bakovic, a Traffic Engineering & Road Safety Expert with Traffic Engineering Centre, presented last week "How to think outside the box while auditing pedestrian and cycling facilities", at the AITPM organised ‘Back to Basics’ workshop in Sydney, Australia.
The presentation was well received:
"It was certainly a pleasure to hear/view your presentation last Thursday. I found it very interesting and informative as well as stimulating and thought provoking."
Iris Dorsett, Road Safety Officer with Bathurst Regional Council
"Hi Zoran,
Thank you very much for your informative and impressive presentation on the importance of well thought out road safety auditing -Thinking Outside the Box at the AITPM conference last Thursday. My colleague Iris Dorsett and I were most impressed with your refreshing enthusiasm, deep knowledge of the subject and ability to convey the deeper ideas behind road safety auditing with fervor. Well done."
Paul Kendrick, Traffic and Design Engineer, Bathurst Regional Council
7 October 2016
1. Full Width Road Reconstruction of Junction Road; and 2. Jacqui Avenue – Road Design from Railway Terrace to Grima Street projects, in Schofields, NSW
A modern bustling city of 48 residential suburbs, Blacktown City is home to 340,000 people, making it the second largest city by population in NSW.
In order to accommodate future population growth, Blacktown City Council propose to upgrade Junction Road, in Schofields as part of the new housing estate, which are part of the North West Growth Centre development area.
Apart from that, Blacktown City Council also proposed to construct a new road connecting Railway Terrace to Grima Street, in Schofields, NSW, as part of the new housing estates in the North West Growth Centre. The newly proposed section of Jacqui Avenue will link the existing section of Jacqui Avenue to the Railway Terrace.
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered a Stage 2 (preliminary design) Road Safety Audit for both of the designs.
The following feedback [quote] best describes how satisfied Blacktown City Council was with the quality and promptness of our work:
"Thank you for the great service and prompt delivery of the report. I haven’t any projects on hand at the moment but when one comes up I’ll let you know."
Kingsley Page, Design Engineer, Blacktown City Council
04 October 2016
HW5 – Great Western Highway upgrade, from Rowan Lane, Katoomba, to just to the north of Ridgewell Road, Blackheath, NSW – Mott MacDonald
Mott MacDonald has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of the detailed design for the HW5 – Great Western Highway upgrade, from Rowan Lane, Katoomba, to just to the north of Ridgewell Road, Blackheath, NSW.
The main objective of this road safety audit was to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in the detailed design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
The other objectives of this Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit were to:
- Check the compatibility between the safety features and the functional classification of the roads
- Identify any feature that can, either now or with time, create a safety problem
- Identify additional features at the site that pose a safety hazard or risk to any of the road users
- Determine the extent of deficiencies in the temporary traffic management scheme, considering all road user groups
12 September 2016
Concept design for the changed traffic conditions on Parkes Street, Valentine Avenue, and Cowper Street, in Parramatta, NSW – City of Parramatta
City of Parramatta has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a Stage 2 (Preliminary design) Road Safety Audit of the concept design for the changed traffic conditions on Parkes Street, Valentine Avenue, and Cowper Street, in Parramatta, NSW.
7 September 2016
1. Traffic Impact Assessment (SIDRA modelling) of the proposed upgrade of the Boundary Street / Young Street intersection; and 2. Stage 5 (existing road) Road Safety Audit of an existing pedestrian crossing located on Cheltenham Road, just north of Queen Street, in Croydon, NSW
Burwood Council is looking to convert the sections of Boundary Street, between Young Street and Robinson Street, from two-way to one-way road, as well as to revise priorities at the cross intersection of Boundary Street and Young Street, at the western end of Boundary Street.
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered a traffic impact assessment study, based on the SIDRA modelling, assessing whether the proposed reversed priorities will in fact assist traffic flow in the area.
Also, Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully undertaken a Stage 5 (existing road) Road Safety Audit of an existing pedestrian crossing located on Cheltenham Road, just north of Queen Street, in Croydon, NSW.
The following are the clients comments, expressing their appreciation of the quality of our work on these two studies:
"Thanks for all your assistance with these two matters."
John Inglese, Senior Manager – Assets and Design, Burwood Council
"Our General Manager has read the report and was very happy with the detail put into investigating the proposals."
Roberto Di Federico, Manager – Traffic & Transport, Burwood Council
6 September 2016
Mouchel International (Jersey) Limited is another great company that recognised the knowledge, experience, and expertise of Traffic Engineering Centre, by signing a Sub-Consultancy Services Agreement with us for Traffic Modelling and Road Safety Audits.
Both companies commit to form a close working relationship to work in good faith and comparatively with each other to jointly deliver a number of projects.
5 August 2016
St Joseph Guesthouse – Traffic Impact and Parking Assessment Study
St Josephs Guesthouse was originally a Gothic styled Catholic Church to serve the growing community of the Macdonald River valley. It was built from locally quarried sandstone with the Foundation stone being laid in 1839, and is [apparently] the second oldest catholic church built in Australia.
A bushfire attacked and destroyed every bit of timber in the place. The stonework survived the onslaught but the heat and subsequent years of rain had weakened the mortar and some of the walls began sagging and bowing.
With restoration work complete, the atmosphere of the building has been reborn. There is a pervasive peace and tranquillity that feeds the soul and recharges the spirit.
Traffic Engineering Centre was proud to be involved in the restoration process by successfully delivering a traffic impact and parking assessment study for the proposed reuse of the former St Joseph church, at 1029 St Albans Road, in Lower MacDonald, NSW, a guest house and function centre.
3 August 2016
The Artarmon Loop and The Loop Bus Services - Service Redesign Study - Willoughby City Council
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by the Willoughby City Council and successfully assessed the options for improving The Loop services, considering the findings and recommendations which were presented in our previous report, titled ‘The Artarmon Loop and The Loop Public Transport Services – Data Review and Assessment’, from June 2016.
A series of surveys were conducted to obtain travel time and operational characteristics, as a basis for the necessary analysis to redesign the services.
In particular, the analysis included:
- Redesigning of The Artarmon Loop services in order to set regular frequencies throughout the operation hours;
- Examining whether it would be possible to redesign The Artarmon Loop in order to improve service supply and attract additional demand; and
- Redesigning the existing routes of The Loop services in order to combine them into one regular and effective route for the community.
Our study results and report were well received by the client:
"First of all, thank you for your report, you have obviously undertaken this with concerted effort and on ground research. I really appreciate that, thank you."
Sally Hamilton - Environment Manager, Willoughby City Council
1 August 2016
ARCADIS, another global design, engineering and management consulting company, has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake two of the design stage Road Safety Audits of the design drawings for 1. Homebush Station Access Upgrade & 2. Toongabbie Station Upgrade, Sydney, NSW.
30 July 2016
‘Anytime Fitness’ commissioned Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a traffic and parking impact assessment study for the proposed use of the outdoor fenced area adjacent to the Anytime Fitness building, at 29-33 Tyrrell Street, in Wallsend (Newcastle), NSW, for the outside classes [between 15 to 20 patrons].
29 July 2016
Traffic Engineering Centre Pty Ltd was commissioned by West Lindfield Sport and Recreation Club (WLSRC) and successfully delivered a traffic engineering review of the design and implementation of the recent car park improvement works at the Lindfield Sports Centre's site off Highfields Road, in Lindfield, NSW.
29 July 2016
Youth off The Street charity
Traffic Engineering Centre continues to support Youth Off The Street, a non-denominational organization working for young people who are facing challenges of homelessness, drug dependency and recovering from abuse. We support these young people as they work to turn their lives and overcome immense personal traumas such as neglect and physical, psychological, and emotional abuse.
Zoran Bakovic, our Director, pictured with Father Chris Riley, CEO and Founder of the Youth Off The Street at a previous charity event.
20 July 2016
Removal of the toll booths from the southern approaches to the Sydney Harbour Bridge
Roads and Maritime Services is planning to remove the toll booths from the southern approaches to the Sydney Harbour Bridge as part of a package of work to improve and adapt the toll plaza to the needs of a modern city.
Removing the southern toll booths provides an opportunity to simplify traffic movements to the Western Distributor and northern CBD. This would also enable continuation of the bus lane from the Sydney Harbour Bridge to York Street and provide space for bus readiness bays for buses approaching York Street in the PM peak.
Traffic Engineering Centre, the leading brand name in the field of road safety auditing, has been engaged by Mott MacDonald to undertake a Stage 3 (Detailed design) road safety audit of their design aiming to simplify traffic movements on southern approaches to the Sydney Harbour Bridge; improve bus connections; improve operational flexibility for lane management on Sydney Harbour Bridge; and reduce road safety hazards.
Current arrangements near the southern plaza [Aug 2012]
Artist's impression of the new southern toll plaza precinct
15 July 2016
Great Performance Reports received from the Roads and Maritime Services NSW
Traffic Engineering Centre has received two great Performance Reports [on Consultants and Professional Service Contractors] from Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) in which the RMS' representative stated [quote]: "Traffic Engineering Centre delivered in a timely and professional manner with appropriate WHS Management", with overall rating 9 (nine) out of 10 (ten).
30 June 2016
Another successful Financial year
We created strong brand recognition and extended a loyal customer base. Traffic Engineering Centre is further growing its business by expanding in areas of public transport, traffic planning, and traffic/transport related site design projects.
A large number of our clients have expressed their satisfaction with the quality of our work. Our experts know that when it comes to transportation and site design projects, they all have one thing in common: when finished, they need to accommodate for a variety of different vehicles.
Among all, by introducing Autodesk' AutoCAD and Vehicle Tracking software, we are now in a strong position to create stunning parking design solutions for projects both large and small, as well as to undertake a comprehensive vehicle swept path analysis, and to predictably evaluate vehicle movements on transportation or site design projects.
We would like to use this occasion to thank our dear clients, without whom all this would not be possible. We continue to measure our success based on our clients' satisfaction, and live to the motto "Our clients are our partners". We would also like to thank our team members and friends, for doing something we are all really proud of, and for helping Traffic Engineering Centre to become a company of value, rather than just a company of success.
21 June 2016
Providing safe traffic conditions on the Princes Highway Upgrade project – Foxground and Berry Bypass
Road and Maritime Servicing is delivering the $580 million Foxground and Berry bypass to provide road safety and traffic efficiency on behalf of the NSW Government. Major construction is now underway and is expected to be completed mid 2018, weather permitting. The Foxground and Berry bypass will provide a four-lane highway (two lanes in each direction) with median separation for 11.6km of the Princes Highway between Toolijooa road and Schofields Lane.
Traffic Engineering Centre continues to successfully and effectively assess and audit a significant number of traffic switches and other proposed temporary traffic management plans for each different configuration or staging of traffic before they are implemented.
Traffic Engineering Centre has also identify road safety concerns related to the newly constructed traffic switches and to check that no traffic safety issues are overlooked or misunderstood.
The other objectives of these safety audit were:
- Check the compatibility between the safety features and the functional classification of the road sections, considering all road user groups;
- Identify any feature that can, either now or with time, create a safety problem;
- Identify additional features at the site that pose a safety hazard or risk to any of the road users;
- Identify construction features that, if changed, could enhance safety.
20 June 2016
Cyclists and pedestrian safety on the shared paths outside 150 - 158 Epping Road, in front of the Meriton apartments - 'Arise', in Lane Cove, NSW
Lane Cove Council is the latest of the local government which has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to help them by identifying road safety concerns [with emphasis on the cyclists safety] related to the newly constructed entry and exit driveways to the Meriton apartment block called 'Arise', adjacent to the shared path located outside 150 - 158 Epping Road, in Lane Cove, NSW.
18 June 2016
Major Branch Sponsorship of the AITPM (NSW & ACT)
This year, AITPM celebrates its 50th Birthday.
With Traffic Engineering Centre entering into 3-year Major Branch Sponsorship of the AITPM (NSW & ACT), two of the synonymous for traffic engineering and traffic planning have joined forces.
It is a partnership driven by a shared commitment to inspiring through excellence and creativity.
Zoran Bakovic, our Director, and Tessa Knox-Grant, Branch President of AITPM (NSW & ACT)
[Photo: Graeme Pattison, AITPM]
1 June 2016
Proposed commercial use of the former men's bowling club building in Warners Park as a café for the ground floor and general community use on the first floor, in Northbridge, NSW
Traffic and Parking Impact Assessment Study
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by Willoughby City Council (Council) and has successfully delivered a comprehensive traffic and parking impact assessment to identify potential impacts of the reuse of the former men's bowling club building in Warners Park, Northbridge, NSW. The proposal includes conversion of the ground floor for use as a café and conversion of the first floor for general community use.
20 May 2016
Independent Assessment of the Traffic Implications of a current Planning Proposal on 65 Albert Avenue, Chatswood (Mandarin Centre)
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by Willoughby City Council to undertake an independent peer-review assessment of the traffic implications of a current Planning Proposal at 65 Albert Avenue (Mandarin Centre), in Chatswood, NSW.
18 May 2016
The Artarmon Loop and The Loop public transport services - Data Review and Assessment, Willoughby City Council (2016).
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by the Willoughby City Council and successfully delivered an analysis of the patronage statistics for both The Loop and The Artarmon Loop public transport services. Based upon the analysis of observed travel demand, service levels, and characteristics of the study area, this report reached several findings that contribute to a better understanding of the existing services therefore helping the Willoughby City Council.
17 May 2016
As result of consistent quality of our work, Mott MacDonald, a global management, engineering and development consultancy, has included Traffic Engineering Centre on its list of the Preferred Sub-contractors.
16 May 2016
Road design projects in Kellyville – Mott MacDonald
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered Stage 2 (Preliminary design) Road Safety Audits of the design for Modification of Memorial Avenue near Arnold Avenue West, in Kellyville, NSW as well as for a concept temporary road works on Hector Court, in Kellyville, NSW.
15 May 2016
Proposed Conversion of 6 (six) Telstra Rolling Message Advertising Signs to Touch Screen LED signs - Chatswood Mall and Victoria Ave, Chatswood - Willoughby City Council
Willoughby City Council was seeking to change the 6 (six) existing Telstra Public Advertising signs in Chatswood Mall and Victoria Ave (outside the Concourse) from scrolling poster advertising to electronic advertising LED signage with touch screen information panels, in Chatswood, NSW.
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned to conduct a safety assessment to determine the suitability, from a road safety perspective, of the proposal to replace the existing scrolling poster advertising bollards with electronic advertising LED signs incorporating touch screen information panels.
The assessment has been primarily based on the Transport Corridor Outdoor Advertising and Signage Guidelines, Assessing Development Applications under SEPP 64, NSW Government Department of Planning, July 2014– herein referred to as the NSW Guidelines. The NSW Guidelines provide the current statutory requirements. Additional consideration has been given to the Draft Transport Corridor Outdoor Advertising and Signage Guidelines, December 2015.
5 May 2016
Traffic Engineering Centre is delighted to announce that Prof. Dr. André Dantas, PhD, has joined our company as Associate / Principal Traffic Planner.
André is an internationally recognised professional working in transportation engineering and related areas. Drawing upon over 20 years-experience, André has worked on a significant number of projects around the world (Brazil, New Zealand, Japan, China, USA, UK and Australia). Among all, André has played advisory roles in several projects such as the "Urban Transportation Network Reliability Assessment Techniques in Beijing". As well as provided expert advice on various projects such as the Port of Brisbane Motorway upgrade, which comprised a $300 million investment in Brisbane, Australia.
André has extensive experience in the field of public transport. Originally, André worked as a Public Transport Planner in a major city in Brazil, where he was responsible for service planning and conducting field surveys. During his tenure at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand [as Senior Lecturer on subject of Public Transport; Traffic Planning and Modelling; and GIS], André acted as consultant for Environment Canterbury in a project that assessed the energy requirements for The Orbiter services in Christchurch. Working for MWH Australia in Brisbane, André conducted a technical review on the impact of parking policies on public transport demand.
Traffic Engineering Centre is now in a strong position to extend its service into the following areas:
- Reviews of the state of art and practices about Transport Planning, Logistics and Public Transport;
- Peer review work on modelling projects;
- Qualification and Training of staff;
- Cost analysis of public transport systems;
- Public transport systems ticketing and payment means;
- Concept and design of public transport periodisation measures such as BRT, bus lanes;
- Microsimulation; and
- Travel demand modelling.
26 April 2016
Peer review of Traffic Studies for Newmarket Green and Neuroscience Research Precinct Consent Condition E15 for Neuroscience Research Australia, Randwick, NSW
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) to review whether or not it was appropriate for the Neuroscience Research Precinct (NRP) development to fully fund the upgrade for the Barker Street / Botany Street roundabout in light of the proposed CBus Newmarket Green Randwick development proposal.
20 March 2016
Green Square Projects - for the first time in over 100 years, the City of Sydney is building a new town centre.
City of Sydney is designing a unique, resilient and welcoming centre to form the residential, commercial and cultural heart of the Green Square community. This will be a place combining sustainable infrastructure with community spirit, lifestyle and character. The City has committed $540 million over the next 10 years to create world-class community facilities including an innovative new library and plaza, an aquatic centre, many parks and playgrounds, a childcare centre and a creative hub.
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of a proposed Shared Zone at the Library Plaza, within a newly designed Green Square Town Centre, in Sydney, NSW.
18 March 2016
JB & Associates, a Law firm that measure their success not from turnover but from client satisfaction, has engaged our Director, Zoran Bakovic, an experienced Forensic Traffic Engineer and Expert Witness, to help them regarding an accident analysis and the subsequent court case.
8 March 2016
Burton Street and Palmer Street Intersection Upgrade, Darlinghurst (Sydney), NSW - Stage 2 (Preliminary design) Road Safety Audit
City of Sydney engaged us to undertake a Stage 2 (Preliminary design) Road Safety Audit in order to assess the relative safety performance of preliminary design for the proposed Burton Street and Palmer Street Intersection Upgrade, in Darlinghurst (Sydney), NSW. The audit reviewed the proposed design in relation to the identified specific needs of various road users.
8 February 2016
Proposed Commercial Use of the Existing Function Centre within Leichhardt Oval No.1 - Traffic and Parking Impact Assessment Study
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by Leichhardt Municipal Council (Council) to undertake a traffic and parking impact assessment to identify potential impacts of the proposed expansion of use of the Leichhardt Oval's Legends Lounge, beyond catering only for football fans on Wests Tigers game days. This report will accompany a DA for commercial use of the existing function center building within Leichhardt Oval No.1.
With a Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 280m2 the capacity is estimated to be:
- For a Stand-up function [Licence Club] 320 patrons plus 20 staff; and
- For the Sit-down function [Restaurant] 144 patrons plus 20 staff.
The study area was centered on the Leichhardt Oval, which is located off Mary Street, in Leichhardt LGA, NSW, with the . The main vehicular access route to the Function Room is via Mary Street.
22 January 2016
In 2016, Traffic Engineering Centre will continue to help young people off the street and out of dangerous by donating to the Youth Off The Streets. We will share what we have with these young people, many of whom don't have families who will give them any support. For many of these kids, Youth Off The Street is the only family they have and we, in Traffic Engineering Centre, are very pleased to be counted as part of that family.
Many of these young people have experienced some of the most unimaginable things yet have the courage and resilience to change their lives. Recovering from what in many cases is a lifetime of abuse can be a long and painful process. Like any good family, we want to be there for these young people when they need us.
21 January 2016
By using the success we have, our proud tradition in Traffic Engineering Centre is to find way to make our community better by returning a part of our revenue back to the community. This time, we are very, very proud to announce our decision to support the men and women of the NSW Police Association, by being Silver Sponsor of the NSW Police News, an official journal of the Police Association of NSW.
10 January 2016
Regent, Lee & Cleveland Streets – Shared Paths - City of Sydney
Sydney's Cycling Future prioritises cycling infrastructure within 5km of major centres and transport interchanges, stating that [City of Sydney] will make bicycle riding a feasible transport option for these customers by investing in separated cycleways and providing connected bicycle networks to major centres and transport interchanges. Regent, Lee and Cleveland Streets are classified State roads located to the south of Sydney CBD in the suburbs of Redfern, Chippendale, Haymarket and Darlington. These roads function as key routes for vehicles accessing Sydney CBD. The footpaths along these roads function as key pedestrian access routes to Central Transport Interchange.
Traffic Engineering Centre has been engaged to utilise our staff's reach experience and knowledge in design for cyclists and pedestrians and undertake Stage 2 (Preliminary design) of the concept design for the proposed shared paths.
Buckland Street, Alexandria – Expanded Bicycle Storage Areas – City of Sydney
Buckland Street, Alexandria forms part of one of the City's regional cycle routes and is a major route for riders accessing the separated cycleway on George Street, Waterloo.
The City is proposing safety improvements at two signalised intersections on Buckland Street: Wyndham Street and Botany Road/Wellington Street. The proposed improvements include providing Expanded Bicycle Storage Areas by reducing the number of vehicle approach lanes on Buckland Street and Wellington Street from two to one. No changes to Botany Road or Wyndham Street are proposed, nor are any changes proposed to on-street parking as part of the safety improvements.
In order to deliver a quality design from a road safety viewpoint, the City of Sydney has engaged.
Traffic Engineering Centre has been engaged to undertake Stage 2 (Preliminary design) of the concept design for the proposed expanded bicycle storage areas.
8 January 2016
The 4th year of successful collaboration between Fulton Hogan, RMS NSW and Traffic Engineering Centre just commenced. We continue to help them by providing various road safety and traffic engineering services for some of the most capital projects, such as $580million worth Foxground to Berry Bypass, Princess Highway Upgrade project.
25 December 2015
Another successful year for Traffic Engineering Centre is nearly over. To all our clients, associates, and friends, we are wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are looking forward to see and work with all of you in 2016.
24 December 2015
Traffic Engineering Centre is now an accredited contractor in BNG Conserve.
22 December 2015
AJB Stevens' lawyers are industry leaders in Compensation Claims. Being in need for an expert who is able to provide a forensic expert advice on traffic safety and crash analysis, AJB Stevens has engaged our Director, Zoran Bakovic, an experienced Forensic Traffic Engineer and Expert Witness, to help them regarding a court case.
17 December 2015
W2B Intersections Upgrade – Package 4 (Portion B), Pacific Highway Upgrade, NSW
Mott MacDonald has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre to help them with the traffic engineering segments of the project.
15 December 2015
Proposed replacement of the current advertising sign at 287 Military Road, in Cremorne, NSW, with a new LED sign - Captive Vision Pty Ltd
Captive Vision Pty Ltd has engaged Traffic Engineering centre to undertake a road / traffic safety assessment of the proposed LED sign and its proposed placement along with an assessment of the compliance of the proposed signs with the State Environment Planning Policy No.64 – Advertising and Signage (SEPP 64).
11 December 2015
We are very proud to say that this is the second time in the last two months, and the sixth time overall, that RMS NSW – Western Region has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre, a proven and trusted name in the field of traffic engineeering, to help them by undertaking:
- Stage 4 (Pre-opening) Road Safety Audit of the recently completed works related to the change of priority to the Brolgan Road and Westlime Road intersection, CH 2.77km to CH 3.165km west of Parkes, NSW; and
- Stage 1 (Feasibility stage) Road Safety Aduit of the concept design for the MR 516 Chifley Road Upgrade, Scenic Hill - 12.90km to 14.97km west of Bell, NSW, to assess whether the proposed road upgrade would provide for a safe and efficient road environment for all road users
10 December 2015
Proposed Dan Murphy's at 7 Darley Road, Leichhardt, NSW - Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit
FLEXON This report presents the findings of the Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of the detailed design for Proposed Dan Murphy's at 7 Darley Road, Leichhardt, NSW. The main objective of this road safety audit was to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in the detailed design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
9 December 2015
Putney Hill Residential Development – Newly Constructed Intersection at 600 Victoria Road, Ryde, NSW
Taylor Constructions, an industry leading organisation focused on creating environments, which is offering contemporary, well considered environments that enhance public spaces and deliver optimal results for their partners, clients and end users, has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre and our specialist skills across traffic engineering, to help them on their Putney Hill Residential Development project.
25 November 2015
NSRU Alliance - Arncliffe Pedestrian Link, Wolli Creek, NSW
Once again, Traffic Engineering Centre, an industry leader on road safety auditing, has been engaged by the NSRU Alliance to undertake a Stage 1 (Feasibility stage) Road Safety Audit of the proposed Arncliffe Pedestrian Link, in order to assess whether the link would provide for safe and efficient pedestrian movement under the Illawarra Railway Line in the vicinity of Allen Street, Wolli Creek, NSW. The audit and report place an emphasis on the provision of safer pedestrians' facilities which are to be provided by the proposal.
19 November 2015
Kent Street Underpass Upgrade, Sydney, NSW – City of Sydney
City of Sydney has engaged us to undertake a Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of the detailed design for the Kent Street Underpass Upgrade, in Sydney, NSW The main objective of this road safety audit was to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in the detailed design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
10 November 2015
We are proud to announce that Traffic Engineering Centre Pty Ltd will sponsor the 2016 AITPM National Conference.
25 October 2015
Agostino & Co is a great, small sized law firm offering large sized service. Being in need for an expert who is able to provide a forensic expert advice on traffic safety and crash analysis, Agostino & Co has engaged our Director, Zoran Bakovic, an experienced Forensic Traffic Engineer and Expert Witness, to help them regarding a court case.
20 October 2015
Feasibility stage traffic impact and parking requirement study for a proposed extension of the existing ALDI store, in Bathurst, NSW
ALDI propose to increase the total Gross Floor Area (GFA) of its existing store located in Bathurst, NSW by extending the existing warehouse and constructing a side extension to the existing retail area.
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by ALDI and Donaldson Worrad Architects to undertake a traffic impact and parking requirement study in order to identify potential traffic and parking impacts for the proposed extension of the existing ALDI store, in Bathurst, NSW and to check the feasibility of proposed traffic elements of the development.
This study:
- reviews the current traffic and parking arrangements within the relevant vicinity of the development site;
- collects the existing parking occupancies in the store's off-street car park located at the site;
- compares the existing traffic levels on the streets around the site with the anticipated road usage levels once the redevelopment is complete;
- provides recommendations [if any required] to ameliorate any traffic and parking impact arising from the development proposal.
8 October 2015
Tindalls Lane Traffic Switch - Princes Highway Upgrade Project, Foxground to Berry Bypass, NSW (project budget: $580million)
Fulton Hogan and RMS NSW has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre once again to undertake Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of the Tindalls Lane Traffic Switch, Princes Highway Upgrade Project - Foxground and Berry Bypass, NSW, and to assess whether the designs, as well as the temporary traffic management, complied with the standards/guidelines and that the arrangement of traffic control devices is clear and conductive to road safety.
6 October 2015
Traffic Engineering Centre is celebrating the third anniversary of helping our clients to make Australia a better place – one project at a time. We would like to use this occasion to thank our dear Clients, without whom all these would not be possible. We continue to measure our success based on our clients' satisfaction, and live to the motto "Our clients are our partners". We would also like to thank our team members and friends, for doing something we are all really proud of, and for helping Traffic Engineering Centre to become a company of value, rather than just a company of success.
1 October 2015
Traffic Engineering Centre has been added to ALDI's Approved Contractor List.
21 September 2015
Railway Terrace/Westminster Street intersection upgrade, in Schofields, NSW – Mott MacDonalds
For the fourth time now, Mott MacDonals has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre, as the road safety auditors of their choice, to help them by undertaking Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of their design for the Railway Terrace/Westminster Street intersection upgrade. The main objective of this road safety audit is to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in the detailed design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
18 September 2015
Parking assessment study for a proposed extension of the Leichhardt Oval's Legend Lounge, in Leichhardt, NSW
Traffic Engineering Centre was commissioned by Leichhardt Municipal Council to undertake a brief parking study to identify potential impacts of the proposed expansion of use of the Leichhardt Oval's Legends Lounge beyond catering only for football fans on Wests Tigers game days. Leichhardt Municipal Council sought to understand the likely parking demand that might result from the proposed expanded use of the Leichhardt Oval's Legends Lounge, especially on a weekday evening and on Saturdays when other sporting / recreational facilities are in use in the Neighbourhood. Council also sought to understand how such generated parking demand could be satisfied with the existing on-street and off-street car parking facilities along with the likely impacts on the current parking provision.
Traffic Engineering centre has successfully prepared a detailed report that clearly informed Council's project team in relation to the parking impact, and parking requirements and related issues that are relevant to the proposed development.
The particular study tasks included:
- review the current traffic and parking arrangements within the relevant vicinity of the development site;
- collect the existing parking occupancies in the adjacent car park and the surrounding streets around the site;
- calculate the additional traffic generation and parking demand as result of the proposed extension in use of the Lodge;
- calculate the maximum number of vehicles that could be generated by the development so that the existing adjacent car parking facilities would provide enough parking spots to satisfy such generated parking demand;
- recommendation (if any) to ameliorate any traffic and parking impact arising from the study.
15 September 2015
Guanna Hill Realignment, HW7-Mitchell Highway 20.6km to 27.9km north of Orange, NSW
The proposed improvements at Guanna Hill, about 21 kilometres north of Orange, will upgrade and realign 7.2 kilometres of the Mitchell Highway near Molong. This work will improve safety, travel times and provide a smoother road surface for road users. The project objectives include:
- Realigning the Mitchell Highway to include an overtaking lane to bring the highway up to 100 km/h standard.
- Reducing travel times.
- Providing a smooth road surface.
- Improving safety by reducing the crash rate
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit to RMS NSW, in which we identified relevant road safety deficiencies in the detailed design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
12 September 2015
Coles' Car Park at 101 Boomerang Place, Cambridge Gardens, NSW
Traffic Engineering Centre has been commissioned by Coles and Main Brace Constructions to review the traffic management systems for their existing car park and loading docks, with access off Boomerang Place, in Cambridge Garden, NSW.
We successfully delivered a comprehensive study which helped Coles to resolve some traffic issues including:
- traffic congestion at the loading dock entry point;
- safety of truck use of the loading dock;
- pedestrian safety on the crossing on the loading dock approach roadway.
10 August 2015
North Penrith urban development
1,000 dwellings with a variety of housing, 770 jobs, 10,600m2 of commercial space, 4,500m2 of retail space, 1.2ha of industrial land, open space, community facilities and a transit interchange are under construction in North Penrith, adjacent to Penrith train station.
Traffic Engineering Centre continues to help Urban Growth NSW to successfully deliver this large and very significant project. The main objective of our task was to identify road safety concerns related to the upgraded MR155 Castlereagh Road / Thornton Drive intersection, and to check that no traffic safety issues are overlooked or misunderstood.
1 August 2015
Thornleigh Railway Station Upgrade
CARDNO has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre once again to undertake design stages Road Safety Audits of the design for the Thornleigh Railway Station upgrade, in Thornleigh (Sydney), NSW.
By conducting the Road Safety Audits of the designs, Traffic Engineering Centre has helped CARDNO by identifing relevant road safety deficiencies in each design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
8 July 2015
Streetscape Upgrade Works
Fairfield City Council is the latest of the local government which has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to help them by assessing the proposed design for the upgrade of Park Road, between McBurney Road and Bartley Street, in Cabramatta, NSW.
3 July 2015
WestConnex Project
WestConnex is the largest transport and urban revitalisation project in Australia, and is a critical part of the NSW Government's integrated transport solution, including public transport and road infrastructure to keep Sydney moving. WestConnex will widen and extend the M4 and M5 and join them together to form a 33km continuous, free-flowing motorway tunnel with connections to the city, airport and port. WestConnex will also enable urban renewal and facilitate improved public transport services. It will support Sydney's long term growth and boost the city's economic productivity.
This is just another one of the number of largest transport and urban revitalisation project that Traffic Engineering Centre has been engaged on. This time to undertake a Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of the Traffic Control Plans for the King Georges Interchange Upgrade.
18 June 2015
Our Director, Zoran Bakovic, has been elected as the Branch President of AITPM (NSW & ACT) (
10 June 2015
CBD and South East Light Rail project
Sydney is truly one of the greatest cities in the world and home to Australia's strongest economy, with its population set to grow by another million people over the next 10 years. To support this population growth and the booming economy the NSW government is turbo charging infrastructure development across Sydney. Transport for New South Wales is delivering projects to reduce traffic congestion, improve public transport networks, provide better healthcare and create sustainable public spaces. This will ensure Sydney continues to be a great place to live, work and do business and leave a legacy for future generations.
As a part of that, the CBD and South East Light Rail project aims to transform public transport in Sydney, providing high capacity, clean and reliable services. The new 12km light rail route will link Circular Quay via George Street and Central, to Randwick and Kingsford.
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered George Street Vehicle Access Test, in Sydney CBD.
A report has been prepared by Traffic Engineering Centre for Transport for NSW presenting the findings of vehicle maneuvering trials and swept path assessment for a number of design vehicles that use the loading dock accesses for: 'Myer'/'Swissotel'/'Westfield', 'Dymocks', and the 'Mid-City' mall. All these accesses are located off George Street, on the eastern side, between King Street and Market Street, in Sydney CBD, NSW. The main objective of this study was to determine the accessibility constrains on dock access during the placement of construction hoardings close to the loading dock access as part of the Sydney light Rail construction project. Manoeuvring tests and swept path analysis was undertaken, using a number of design vehicles, to test and check the following:
- If the access to 'Myer', 'Swissotel', 'Westfield', 'Dymocks' and other businesses could be maintained during the construction stage of the project;
- That the design vehicle can turn from an appropriate approach traffic lane into the loading dock access, or from the loading dock egress into an appropriate departure lane with adequate clearances to features such as kerbs and roadside feature;
- That the design vehicles can legally perform the particular turning movements;
- That safe and efficient access to loading docks can be maintained during the project construction period, without compromising safety for the work site and the road network.
1 June 2015
Forensic traffic engineering expertise
Slater and Gordon is a leading international law firm [founded in 1935] employing 1,400 people in 80 locations across Australia and 3,800 people across 27 locations in the United Kingdom. Slater and Gordon's mission is to give people easier access to world class legal services. The firm provides specialist legal and complementary services in a broad range of areas.
Being in need for an expert who is able to provide a forensic expert advice on traffic safety and crash analysis, Slater and Gordon has engaged [once again] our Director, Zoran Bakovic, an experienced Forensic Traffic Engineer and Expert Witness, to help them regarding a court case.
30 May 2015
Supporting young people who are homeless, disadvantages or struggling to live with the effects of abuse and neglect
Traffic Engineering Centre continues to give back to the community by supporting disadvantaged young people who are homeless, disadvantaged or struggling to live with the effects of abuse and neglect.
With considerable financial support to the Youth Off The Street charity, Traffic Engineering Centre is helping Australian community by offering our nation's most vulnerable the chance to reach a brighter future through early intervention, education, rehabilitation, safe accommodation and psychological care.
It is our goal that young people will gain an education, living skills, employment and positive goals for their future.
20 May 2015
Streetscape Upgrade Works
Parramatta City Council is located 24 kilometres west of the Sydney CBD and provides a range of goods and services within a local government area (LGA) encompassing some 61 square kilometres and comprises a population of approximately 178,000 people from a range of diverse cultures, lifestyles and experiences. In their intention to make people's lifestyle even better and more enjoyable, the Council designed a upgrade of the Wigram Street [Stage 3 Streetscape Upgrade Works], between Marion and Parkes Streets, in Harris Park.
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully and effectively assessed the proposed detailed design for Wigram Street Stage 3 Streetscape Upgrade Works, with the main objective of this assessment being to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in the design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users as well as to:
- Check the compatibility between the safety features and the functional classification of the road sections, considering all road user groups;
- Identify any feature that can, either now or with time, create a safety problem;
- Identify additional features at the site that pose a safety hazard or risk to any of the road users;
- Identify construction features that, if changed, could enhance safety.
12 May 2015
Northern Beaches Hospital Bridge over Warringah Road
If you have to go to hospital, you want it to be a safe environment and removing the hassles with a hospital visit can reduce the stress on patients. This extends to the road system leading to the hospital.
Traffic Engineering Centre has been commissioned to help with road development around the new Northern Beaches Hospital Bridge over Warringah Road, in Forestville, NSW.
The new hospital will have 488 beds, a 50-space emergency department and 14 operating theatres. The nine-storey facility will have room for future expansion, as well as a 1,400 space car park and helipad for emergency transport.
We will undertake a road safety audit of the design of the pedestrian bridge over Warringah Road, in Forestville, to assessed whether the design complies with standards and guidelines and that the arrangement is clear and conducive to road safety.
We were requested to join the project by Mott MacDonalds, a global management, engineering and development consultancy with offices in 50 countries. Their mission is to create ideas that improve life. Traffic Engineering Centre will be helping them to achieve this for people in need of a hospital visit in Forestville.
7 May 2015
Assessing design for the pedestrian crossing facilities
For many years Randwick Council has had approved the provision of islands with pedestrian refuges on Elphinstone Road South Coogee adjacent to the two intersections with Wauchope Crescent.
Neighbouring houses, units and parks in the area create significant pedestrian activity.
Since the refuges were first approved, design standards have been updated. Traffic Engineering Centre has joined with OPUS International Consultants to assess the latest design and its compliance with newest standards and whether or not they would be fit for their purpose at a couple of locations on Elphinstone Road, in South Coogee, NSW.
6 May 2015Reviewing an existing situation and looking for future issues
Assessing road safety is not just pondering the present but also looking into the future to try and envisage what might be a problem.
This is the situation Traffic Engineering Centre faced when it was once again engaged by Parramatta Council, this time to help them resolve safety issues on the access road to their Rydalmere Operations Centre, in Rydalmere, NSW.
The new Operations Centre houses up to 300 of Council's 770 plus workforce. This includes staff from Council's civil and parks maintenance, cleansing, sign making and carpentry teams, mechanical workshop, fleet and animal holding services. It will also accommodate design, technical and waste management staff previously located in Civic Place, Parramatta. The Centre is situation on Victoria Road, the main east/west arterial through the area, but there is an access road beside their development.
The main objective of this assessment was to check whether the Centre access road and its features are compatible with their intended purpose and check whether these are at an appropriate level of safety.
This study also aimed to identify any feature which may develop over time into a safety concern.
20 April 2015
Intermodal transfers - improving transport options and enhancing local economies
A number of regional towns are looking to stimulate their local economies and job opportunities as well as improve the efficiency of transport in their regions by establishing transport hubs. The towns of Wagga and Junee will benefit from a new inter-modal freight terminal, which has begun operating at the Harefield grain silos on Bomen-Junee Road approximately 10km south of Junee.
Traffic Engineering Centre has been commissioned by the Melbourne office of the international company Deloitte, to undertake traffic assessments of the newly completed Byrnes Road/Harefield Road/Patterson Road intersection upgrade.
The new depot means businesses have an alternative to road freight and the Bomen inter-modal depot, which is working at capacity.But several Harefield residents have expressed concern about the new development, including increased traffic on Harefield Road.
The study we conducted involved the collection and analysis of before and after data to estimate the number of vehicles (especially Heavy Vehicles) that use the newly reconstructed road sections.
With the right levels of safety you can improve transport options and enhance local economies.
2 April 2015
Providing safe traffic conditions on the Princes Highway Upgrade project – Foxground and Berry Bypass
Road and Maritime Servicing is delivering the $580million Foxground and Berry bypass to provide road safety and traffic efficacy on behalf of the NSW Government. Major construction is now underway and is expected to be completed mid 2018, weather permitting. The Foxground and Berry bypass will provide a four-lane highway (two lanes in each direction) with median separation for 11.6km of the Princes Highway between Toolijooa road and Schofields Lane.
Traffic Engineering Centre is successfully and effectively assessing and auditing a significant number of traffic switches and other proposed temporarily traffic management plans for each different configuration or staging of traffic before they are implemented.
Traffic Engineering Centre has also identify road safety concerns related to the newly constructed traffic switches and to check that no traffic safety issues are overlooked or misunderstood.
The other objectives of these safety audit were:
- Check the compatibility between the safety features and the functional classification of the road sections, considering all road user groups;
- Identify any feature that can, either now or with time, create a safety problem;
- Identify additional features at the site that pose a safety hazard or risk to any of the road users;
- Identify construction features that, if changed, could enhance safety.
1 April 2015
Once again, oOh! Media has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a Traffic Safety Assessment to support preparation of a Section 96 modification application to North Sydney Council to change the dwell time on the digital advertising sign that is located on the Bayer Building, in North Sydney, NSW.
26 March 2015
As our team members' impressive experience in the cycling related projects is well known and recognised so Traffic Engineering Centre has been appointed by City of Sydney to undertake two design stages and a pre-opening road safety audits of the design and construction of their Bourke Street Cycle Network project.
25 March 2015
John Holland, one of Australia's leading engineering, contracting and services providers to the infrastructure, energy and resources and transport service, has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre once again, this time to undertake road safety audits of the detailed design for crash barriers which are proposed to be installed on the eastern side of Balmain Road Bridge and the Catherine Road Bridge, in Lilyfield, NSW.
By conducting these audits, Traffic Engineering Centre would intend to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in the design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
10 March 2015
oOH! Media's national digital billboard presence is set to be boosted with a number of additional digital billboards in Sydney. Traffic Engineering Centre has been chosen by oOh! Media to undertake traffic safety assessment of the 3 (three) proposed options for the replacement of the current roof advertising sign at 423 Pacific Highway, in Crows Nest, with a new LED sign.
5 March 2015
Lindsay Bennelong Development Pty Ltd has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to assess the risk associated with a potential road safety hazard whereby a car erroneously crashes in the new Masters store's car park, in Northmead, NSW.
1 March 2015
Kanjian & Company [Solicitors & Attorneys] has engaged our Director, Zoran Bakovic, an experienced Forensic Traffic Engineer and Expert Witness, to help them regarding a court case.
20 February 2015
Outdoor Consulting Pty Ltd has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a traffic safety assessment to support a DA for digital LED signs to be placed on both sides of the pedestrian bridge, in Gordon, NSW.
18 February 2015
Traffic Engineering Centre, is these days, a well known traffic engineering brand and when it comes to quality of service it is used as a synonym for the best. Our only market research is talking to our customers to hear what they like with our service, in which area might we get even better and where do we need to improve. Tailoring our service to match our clients' needs and demands has always been a part of Traffic Engineering Centre's way. With us, a client is involved personally in creating a piece of the Australian future.
15 February 2015
Princess Highway Upgrade project – Foxground and Berry Bypass is a $350million+ project which includes an upgrade of 11km of the Princess Highway to a four lane divided carriageway between Foxground and Berry, as well as the construction of a number of new interchanges.
The project will improve road safety and traffic efficiency. Traffic Engineering Centre has been engaged [by Fulton Hogan, approved by RMS] in undertaking road safety audits of any stage and complexity.
13 February 2015
Following our team members' impressive experience and reputation gained in the shared zones related projects, ARUP has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a design stage road safety audit of a proposed Shared Zone on Wilson Lane Shared Zone, in Newtown (Sydney), NSW.
22 January 2015
We are pleased to announce that two of our team members now hold the Orange Card, being fully accredited to design & inspect Traffic Control Plans (TCPs). With another three Red Card holders in the team (accredited to select/modify TCPs), Traffic Engineering Centre's very experienced experts are fully accredited to design, inspect, select, modify and audit any TCP which meets OHS and legislate requirements.
15 January 2015
Willoughby City Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a traffic impact and parking study to identify potential impacts of the usage of 17 (seventeen) netball and basketball courts, located adjacent to the Willoughby Leisure Centre, in Willoughby, NSW.
15 January 2015
OPUS International Consultants (Australia) Pty Ltd has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre is pleased to prepare this proposal for (OPUS) to undertake Stage 2 (Preliminary design) and Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audits of design for the Anzac Parade / Bilga Crescent / Kenny Avenue Intersection Upgrade Project, in Malabar (Sydney), NSW.
By conducting the Road Safety Audits of the designs, Traffic Engineering Centre would intend to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in each design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
13 January 2015
CARDNO is another great consulting company who has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake design stages Road Safety Audits of the design for the Beecroft and Waitara Railway Stations upgrade, in Sydney, NSW.
By conducting the Road Safety Audits of the designs, Traffic Engineering Centre would intend to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in each design which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
1 January 2015
Happy New Year!
Looking ahead to 2015, Traffic Engineering Centre, as an established brand name, is well placed to contribute our service expansive strategy, while strengthening the foundations of the business to ensure we remain a leader in the provision of the traffic engineering and traffic planning services.
Traffic Engineering Centre commence 2015 with a record level of secured work, a solid pipeline of future opportunities, strong cash flow, great team and above all an impressive client portfolio.
We are proud of our team members' proven ability to respond to any challenge and their continued focus in improving performances and quality of our work in order to satisfy even the most demanding clients. On that basis, we will continue to work hard to give you, our clients, the best traffic engineering and traffic planning services you will find in Australia.
Traffic Engineering Centre is also proud to continue to sponsor AITPM as a branch sponsor for NSW & ACT as well as to support charity organisation 'Youth Off The Street' to reach homeless kids throughout Sydney.
Traffic Engineering Centre will continue its mission to make Australia a better place, one project at a time.
24 December 2014
Another successful year is nearly over. To all our clients, associates, and friends, we are wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are looking forward to see and work with all of you in 2015.
23 December 2014
Traffic Engineering Centre provided financial support to help pay for Youth Off The Street's crisis intervention services to reach homeless kids this Christmas.
18 December 2014
Vantage Property and SMEC Australia Pty Ltd has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to help them delivering a safe design [from a traffic point of view] of the Edmondson Park subdivision development.
30 November 2014
After successfully delivering road safety audits of all stages and complexity for the Princess Highway Upgrade at Gerringong, Fulton Hogan has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre once again, this time on a half a billion dollar project – the upgrade of 11km of the Princess Highway known as the Berry Bypass Project.
14 November 2014
Willoughby Council has engaged us to undertake a Stage 3 (Detailed design) Road Safety Audit of the design for the proposed bus stop shelter on Smith Street, near its intersection with Gibbes Street, in Chatswood, NSW.
12 November 2014
As a dynamically growing consulting firm, Traffic Engineering Centre continually investing, evaluate and decide on the applicability of additional methods, including newly purchased video technology to use in helping our clients to get the best possible value from us.
5 November 2014
John Holland, one of Australia's leading engineering, contracting and services providers to the infrastructure, energy and resources and transport service, has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre as one of the preferred expert subcontractors to help and strength their bid for upgrade of four railway stations in Sydney.
3 November 2014
Once again, Fulton Hogan has engaged us on Princes Highway Upgrade project near Gerringong, NSW. The A$369 million project includes the upgrade of 7.5km of the Princess Highway, to a four lane divided carriageway between Mount Pleasant and Toolijooa Road; and the construction of two new interchanges with access to Gerringong and Gerroa. The project will improve road safety and traffic efficiency. Traffic Engineering Centre is undertaking comprehensive design stage and pre-opening road safety audits of a new traffic switch on the Princess Highway upgrade at Gerringong.
22 October 2014
Henry Davis York, Urban Concept and oOH! Media have engaged our Director, Zoran Bakovic, an experienced Forensic Traffic Engineer and Expert Witness, to help them regarding a court case.
20 October 2014
OPUS and Randwick City Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a road safety / risk assessment regarding the proposed installation of a movable parklet on Clovelly Road, near its intersection with Mount Street, in Randwick LGA, NSW. Randwick City Council would like the form of risk assessment to assess the current risks of parklet, suggest mitigation measures and then re-assess the risk with the mitigation measured in place.
10 October 2014
Parramatta City Council is considering formalising pedestrian behaviour by installing sets of stairs along the median to accommodate the pedestrian desire lines on South Street from Russell Street to William Street, in Granville. To check potential traffic safety issues associated to the project, the Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a road safety audit of the detailed design of the porphyry steps in the [street] median and associated works.
6 October 2014
Today, Traffic Engineering Centre celebrates the second anniversary of making Australia a better place – one project at a time. We would like to use this occasion to thank our dear Clients, without whom all these would not be possible. We continue to measure our success based on our clients' satisfaction, and live to the motto "Our clients are our partners". We would also like to thank our team members and friends, for doing something we are all really proud of, and for helping Traffic Engineering Centre to become a company of value, rather than just a company of success.
2 October 2014
Traffic Engineering centre has successfully delivered a comprehensive detailed design road safety audit to City of Sydney of the tender design for its Thomas Street Project.
22 September 2014
Willoughby City Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to assess a couple of newly proposed options and to undertake a Traffic Impact and Parking Study to identify potential impacts of a couple of newly proposed options for the proposed development of a multi-purpose indoor sporting facility at Gore Hill Park in St. Leonards, NSW.
18 September 2014
OPUS International Consultants (Australia) Pty Ltd has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre once again, this time to help them to strength their bid for design of the Randwick Intersection upgrade.
10 September 2014
Willoughby City Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a safety review of a number of bus stops. In response, Traffic Engineering Centre have successfully undertaken a number of comprehensive stage 5 (existing road) road safety audits of the existing bus stops as well as adjacent streets sections. We have checked whether the current location of the bus stop shelters cause any traffic safety problems and whether the adjacent road sections and their features are compatible with their intended purpose and at an appropriate level of safety.
8 September 2014
GEODATA, another one big international company, has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre as the preferred traffic engineering consultants to strength their bid for a design project for the NSRU Alliance.
5 September 2014
Zoran Bakovic, our Director, had a very successful presentation at the AITPM NSW organised Technical Seminar. Zoran shared his extensive knowledge and experience on the worksite road safety auditing by presenting a very interesting topic titled "Roadwork Traffic Scheme Road Safety Audits – a roadwork must be safe for both the road workers and the road users".
Ian Monaghan, Design Manager (Safety Audits) with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) NSW, said about the presentations [quote]: "A good presentation and very topical. It is obvious to me that there is sometimes a lack of knowledge or willingness to establish the worksite safely. Your application of logic is a valuable safety tool. This is what its all about I am afraid. Logic goes out the window with some people when asked to do this type of work."
4 September 2014
Traffic Engineering Centre has been engaged by BG&E ['Medium Sized Firm of the Year' and winner of Consult Australia Awards for Excellence 2012 & 2013] as the preferred traffic engineering consulting company to help them on design for a shared path bridge over Nepean River including approaches, between Penrith and Emu Plains, NSW.
22 August 2014
After we successfully delivered SIDRA Analysis and Traffic Impact Assessment for the proposed Beattie Street / Mullens Street / Montague Street intersection upgrade to traffic signals, Leichhardt Municipal Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre once again, this time to undertake a Stage 5 (existing road) road safety audit to fulfil the Council's obligations of ensuring road safety along the section of Victoria Road adjacent to Roselle Public School, in Rozelle, NSW. The emphasis of this road safety audit will be on considering the installation of a 40km/h School Zone, similar to other sites within the Sydney Metropolitan Area.
21 August 2014
Traffic Engineering Centre continue being a philanthropic company which supports disadvantaged young people by donating to the Youth Off The Street charity.
The fund we have provided for the last year will assist the Youth Off The Street charity in providing services for young people who are homeless, disadvantaged or struggling to live with the effect of abuse and neglect. By supporting and donating to Youth Off The Street charity, Traffic Engineering Centre is offering our nation's most vulnerable the chance to reach a brighter future through early intervention, education, rehabilitation, safe accommodation and psychological care.
19 August 2014
Willoughby City Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a Traffic Impact and Parking Study to identify potential impacts of the proposed development of a multi-purpose indoor sporting facility at one of the two considered locations at Gore Hill Park in St. Leonards, NSW.
13 August 2014
NSRU Alliance has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake another Stage 1 (Feasibility stage) Road Safety Audit, this time for the fourth road works / footpath work design option under the Allen Street bridge at Arncliffe, NSW.
11 August 2014
North Strathfield Railway Underpass (NSRU) Alliance has engaged us to undertake a Stage 4 (Pre-opening) Road Safety Audit for the section of Pomeroy Street, immediately after the Pomeroy Street Bridge and the Pomeroy Overbridge, North Strathfield, NSW.
5 August 2014
Fulton Hogan has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre, a leading expert company on the road safety auditing, to undertake Roadwork Traffic Scheme Road Safety Audit of the roadwork and the staging arrangement along 7 km long road section – Gerringong Upgrade Project, Gerringong, NSW.
3 August 2014
OPUS International Consultants has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre once again, this time to undertake Stage 3 (detailed design) Road Safety Audit of the design for the bridge deck replacement at Bottle Creek and More White Gully bridges, located near Cobbadah (100km north of Tamworth), NSW.
1 August 2014
OPUS International Consultants has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake Stage 2 (preliminary design) Road Safety Audit of the preliminary design of a car park(s) proposed to be located in an existing wide median on Anzac Parade, in Maroubra, NSW.
18 July 2014
Leichhardt Municipal Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a SIDRA analysis of the two proposed signalised options for an intersection upgrade, and check whether any right turn restriction would need to apply in order to improve the performance of a signal operation.
Assessment of the traffic impacts associated with the proposed intersection's upgrade from a roundabout to a signalised intersection, would involve a comparison between the SIDRA model outputs for the do-nothing scenario (roundabout) and the proposed two signalised intersection scenarios. This analysis would also involve a comparison between the two proposed signalised options.
17 July 2014
Being very pleased with the quality of our work and expertises, NSRU Alliance has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre once again, this time to undertake a pedestrian 'Origin-Destination' (O-D) survey in and around Wollongong Road/Allen Street/Arncliffe Station/ Al Zahra College precinct with emphasis on both sides of Allen Street under and in vicinity to the railway bridge, in Arncliffe, NSW.
7 July 2014
BG&E, a 'Medium Sized Firm of the Year' and winner of Consult Australia Awards for Excellence 2012 & 2013, has invited Traffic Engineering Centre, as their preferred traffic engineering consulting company, to help them to strengthen their bid for design of a shared path bridge over Nepean River including approaches, between Penrith and Emu Plains, NSW.
Graeme Reid, BG&E's Business Development Manager, expressed his gratitude by saying [quote]: "We think we have put in a pretty good proposal. Thank you for your efforts and contribution."
4 July 2014
Fulton Hogan continues its lasting relationship with Traffic Engineering Centre, a brand name in area of road safety auditing.
This time, we have conducted a stage 4 (pre-opening) road safety audit of the newly constructed Lane Cove Road Eastbound On-Ramp to the M2 Motorway, in Macquarie Park, NSW. The main objective of this road safety audit was to identify road safety concerns related to the newly constructed on-ramp, and to check that no traffic safety issues are overlooked or misunderstood.
30 June 2014
NSRU Alliance and TfNSW have engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to assess and compare, from traffic safety point of view, three roadworks / footpath works design options under the Allen Street bridge, in Arncliffe, NSW.
26 June 2014
GTA Consultants has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre, a proved name in cycling facilities safety assessment, to conduct a stage 3 (detailed design) road safety audit of the detailed design of a separated bidirectional cycleway along the northern side of Day Avenue, between Doncaster Avenue and Anzac Parade, in Kensington (Sydney).
25 June 2014
We have won some more work in Queensland as, apart from NSW and ACT, Traffic Engineering Centre has already established its reputation in North Queensland as a respected traffic engineering consulting company.
This time we helped Harrison Grierson by successfully delivering a comprehensive traffic impact and parking study which identified potential impacts of the proposed development/reconfiguration of a Lot at 28, 40, 52 & 64 Texas Road and 15 Slayton Road, in Jensen (just north of Townsville), QLD.
25 June 2014
City of Sydney has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake stage 2 (preliminary design), stage 3 (detailed design) and stage 4 (pre-opening) road safety audits of design and post-construction of Green Square Town Centre, in Sydney, NSW. Green Square Town Centre includes a community library and a public plaza while, within the site, while the City of Sydney also proposed to include a new shared zone which will provide service access to the library and plaza and traffic activation of the adjacent commercial developments.
Traffic Engineering Centre would intend to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in the design which, if addressed, would improve safety and amenity for all categories of road users.
23 June 2014
Willoughby City Council required from Traffic Engineering Centre a safety review of a bus stop located at the corner of Penshurst Street and Forsyth Street in North Willoughby, NSW. The issue was that a number of residents have complained that a bus shelter was blocking the sightline of the oncoming traffic on Penshurst Street if a driver was turning right or left out of Forsyth Street.
In response, Traffic Engineering Centre have successfully undertaken a comprehensive stage 5 (existing road) road safety audit of the existing bus stop as well as adjacent streets sections. We have checked whether the current location of the bus shelter cause any traffic safety problems, such as e.g. blocking the sightline of the oncoming traffic on Penshurst Street for drivers turning left or right out of Forsyth Street. The audit has also checked whether the adjacent road sections and their features are compatible with their intended purpose, and whether these are at an appropriate level of safety.
16 June 2014
Willoughby City Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre for the sixth time, this time to undertake a comprehensive risk assessment regarding the proposed installation of the JCDecaux Advertising Bollards and their potential impact on the pedestrian/vehicular interaction at 24 locations throughout Chatswood, Willoughby, North Bridge, St Leonards and Artarmon, NSW.
11 June 2014
OPUS International Consultants and Traffic Engineering Centre joined their experts to help Transport for NSW once again, and have undertaken a pre-opening road safety audit of the newly constructed Stage 2 Commuter car park in Oak Flats, NSW.
6 June 2014
Traffic Engineering Centre is further growing its business by expanding in area of traffic/transport related site design projects.A number of our clients have already expressed their satisfaction with the quality of our design. Our very experienced designers know that when it comes to transportation and site design projects, they all have one thing in common: when finished, they need to accommodate for a variety of different vehicles.
By introducing Autodesk' AutoCAD and Vehicle Tracking softwares, we are now in strong position to create stunning parking design solutions for projects both large and small, as well as to undertake a comprehensive vehicle swept path analysis, and to predictably evaluate vehicle movements on transportation or site design projects.
4 June 2014
After they witnessed the quality of our work, Baker Kavanagh Architects has asked Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake traffic impact and parking study to identify potential impacts of the proposed development of a mixed-use development at 357-359 Mann Street (Pacific Highway), in East Gosford, as well as to review their proposed parking design.
26 May 2014
Burwood Council engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a safety inspection of an existing pedestrian crossing on Shaftesbury Road, located in proximity to the Shaftesbury Road / Waimea Street intersection, in Burwood.
We have checked whether the safety features of the pedestrian crossing and adjacent road sections are compatible with their intended purpose, and whether these are at an appropriate level of safety. We also identified a few features which may develop over time into safety concern.
Our comprehensive report was very well received by Roberto Di Federico, Council's Manager – Traffic & Transport, according to whom (quote): "The report looks very thorough."
23 May 2014
On behalf of Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) NSW, Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully completed an inventory survey of the school bus stops along a 750km long section of the HW17 Newell Highway, between Marsden and Boggabilla, NSW. The observed school bus stops were those located in the rural environment, within the posted speed limit zones of 80km/h and above.
16 May 2014
OPUS International Consultants and Traffic Engineering Centre continue to work together, further strengthening our already strong partnership in the road safety auditing field. On this occasion, our road safety experts helped Road and Maritime Services (RMS) NSW by undertaking four pre-opening road safety audits following the construction of Wire Rope Safety Barrier (WRSB) over sections of the Pacific Highway at Coolongolook, Possum Brush, North Arm Cove and Purfleet, NSW.
15 May 2014
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully completed another Traffic Impact and Parking Assessment study for Willoughby City Council, this time to support their internal DA for a multi-purpose sporting facility at Gore Hill Park in St. Leonards. A great feedback from Gary Parsons, Council's Major Projects Delivery Manager (quote): "Thank you for the report, it all looks pretty straight forward and sufficient for our purposes", energise all of us to do an even better job in the future.
13 May 2014
Zoran Bakovic, our Director, presented at the AITPM NSW organised Technical Seminar about Parking Policy and Management. Zoran shared his extensive experience on parking planning, design and auditing by presenting a very interesting topic titled "Little but important features that make a big impact on car park usage and safety".
11 May 2014
Traffic Engineering Centre continue to support Youth Off The Streets, a non-denominational community organisation working for young people aged 12-21 who are facing challenges of homelessness, drug and alcohol dependency, exclusion from school, neglect and abuse. We support these young people as they work to turn their lives around and overcome immense personal traumas such as neglect and physical, psychological and emotional abuse.
Traffic Engineering Centre has provided enough funding to give a whole week of safe accommodation at Don Bosco Home, so at least one homeless young person don't have to sleep rough.
6 May 2014
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) NSW has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake Rural bus stop survey along 750km long section of HW17 Newell Highway, between Marsden and Boggabilla, NSW. This is just another confirmation of the high quality studies we did previously for RMS throughout NSW (please refer to our client's testimonials on our About Us page).
5 May 2014
OPUS International Consultants and Traffic Engineering Centre continue to work together, building a lasting partnership. This time we have joined our experts to help Transport for NSW by undertaking a pre-opening road safety audit of the newly constructed Stage 1 Commuter car park in Oak Flats, NSW.
2 May 2014
Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered a comprehensive pre-opening road safety audit of the newly constructed Gordon Commuter car park and the Interchange on Werona Avenue, in Gordon, NSW. We were chosen by Transport for NSW and engaged by the OPUS International Consultants' as their subcontractors.
28 April 2014
KMH Environmental has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre as the preferred traffic engineering company to strengthen their bid for EIS related to the redevelopment of the Vineyard Railway Station, Sydney CBD, NSW.
10 April 2014
As being extremely satisfied with our previous work (please refer to our client's testimonials on our About Us page), Fulton Hogan, one of the biggest names across Australasia in the transport infrastructure, water, energy, mining and land development sectors, has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre once again, this time to help them in regards to the M2 Motorway / Lane Cove Road Eastbound On-Ramp construction work. To help Fulton Hogan in their attempt to ensure safety at and on approach to the work site, Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered a desk-top road safety audit of the Traffic Control Plans as well as a full scale Roadwork traffic scheme Road Safety Audit.
2 April 2014
"Hunt & Hunt Lawyers" and "Alliance Insurance" have approached our Director, Zoran Bakovic, an experienced Forensic Traffic Engineer and Expert Witness, to help them regarding a court case.
31 March 2014
Willoughby City Council has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre (again) as the preferred traffic engineering expert firm to undertake a traffic impact and parking assessment study to identify potential impact of the proposed development of a multi-purpose indoor sporting facility at Gore Hill Park, in St Leonards (Sydney), NSW.
24 March 2014
Traffic Engineering Centre and INDESCo (Canberra office) have successfully bid together and consequently won to undertake black-spot studies at a number of pre-identified locations in Canberra that meet Federal Black Spot criteria in order to enhance road safety in ACT.
20 March 2014
Traffic Engineering Centre has already established its reputation as a company able to successfully undertake a traffic study of any stage and complexity. Therefore, and following successful delivery of the previous studies of the similar nature, Willoughby City Council has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre as the preferred traffic engineering expert firm to undertake a traffic impact and parking assessment study to identify potential impact of a proposed three-story residential and mixed-use retail development at 2 Elisabeth Street, in Artarmon (Sydney), NSW.
18 March 2014
Willoughby City Council has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre (again) as the preferred traffic engineering expert firm to undertake a traffic impact and parking assessment study to identify potential impact of the proposed redevelopment of the Chatswood High School Oval, in Chatswood (Sydney), NSW.
25 February 2014
KMH Environmental has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre as the preferred traffic engineering company to strengthen their bid for EIS related to the Signal Power Upgrade from Strathfield to Hornsby, Sydney, NSW.
25 February 2014
"Beatty Legal", a respected solicitor firm from Sydney and "Australian Walkabout Wildlife Park" have engaged our Director, Zoran Bakovic, an experienced Expert Witness, to help them winning their case at the Environmental Court.
21 February 2014
"Fulton Hogan" appointed our road safety auditing experts once again, this time to undertake a pre-opening road safety audit of the Port Botany Expansion – Patrick Terminal Access Ramp D.
18 February 2014
"Slater & Gordon" is another one very well known solicitor firm that select our Director, Zoran Bakovic, an experienced Expert Witness, to help them winning their road crash related compensation cases.
17 February 2014
From today, Traffic Engineering Centre's office is at a new location: Suite 8, 2 Kochia Lane, Lindfield, NSW 2070. The office phone numbers remain the same.
10 February 2014
Traffic Engineering Centre is the first traffic consulting company that has converted its web-site into the mobile-friendly version. Our web-site is now very easy to read on the mobile devices.
We continue to focus on ensuring our customers have a great experience dealing with Traffic Engineering Centre, making it easy for them to reach us in the most convenient way possible.
30 January 2014
GTA Consultants has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake an independent road safety audit of their design of separated bidirectional cycleway along the northern side of Day Avenue, in Kensington (Sydney).
24 January 2014
Very soon, our web-site will be converted into its mobile-friendly version, making our website easy to read on the mobile devices. Our new mobile site will adopt the look and feel of our desktop site.
We continue to focus on ensuring our customers have a great experience dealing with Traffic Engineering Centre, making it easy for them to reach us in the most convenient way possible.
20 January 2014
Traffic Engineering Centre is proud sponsor of the AITPM organised Breakfast Seminar on the Sydney Clearways Strategy, at RMS' North Sydney office, on 11 February 2014. The presentation will be delivered by RMS Director Journey Management, Mr Ken Kanofski. That will be an excellent opportunity to keep up to date with the latest transport polices and plans for the Sydney's transport future.
17 January 2014
In an attempt to assemble the best possible team for the Light Rail project in the ACT (from Civic to Gungahlin), Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) invited Traffic Engineering Centre and Zoran Bakovic (our Director), one of the leading experts on road safety auditing, to join PB's team to strengthen their chance for a successfully bid to audit the design of 25 intersections spread over 12.5km long road section.
16 January 2014
Being more than happy with what we delivered on the previous occasion, North Strathfield Rail Underpass (NSRU) Alliance has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre for the second time in a month, this time to prepare a road safety audit on the section of Queen Street near the Pomeroy Street bridge, in North Strathfield (Sydney). The Alliance would like Traffic Engineering Centre to determine, in particular, the requirements of any traffic barrier at the subject location.
15 January 2014
OPUS International Consultants and Traffic Engineering Centre continue to work together, building a lasting partnership. This time we have joined our experts to help Auburn City Council by undertaking a pedestrian road safety audit of the concept design for the Amy Street/Auburn Road and Park Road/Carlingford Street roundabouts and overpass, in Regents Park (Sydney).
1 January 2014
To our clients, team members and Associates, we wish a successful, prosperous and terrific 2014!
We are delighted to have each and every one of you, our dear customers, and we look forward to serving you in the new year.
We are grateful to each and everyone of you, our dear team members and associates, for your tremendous effort and we do appreciate your contribution to Traffic Engineering Centre's success in the previous year.
25 December 2013
Philanthropy is a fundamental part of our company's culture, and for us, giving back to the community is as much a part of our company's DNA as making a profit. Traffic Engineering Centre continues to maintain the culture of giving as we wish to make a difference in lives of those less fortunate.
On this day, we haven't forgotten the disadvantaged young people (most of which still children) who may not have a Christmas lunch as the rest of us. Therefore Traffic Engineering Centre provided enough fund (through 'Youth off the Street' charity foundation) for ten hot Christmas meals from the Charity's food van, which runs 345 nights of the year and is operated solely by their volunteers.
23 December 2013
Willoughby City Council has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre as the preferred traffic engineering expert firm to undertake a traffic study to identify potential impact of the proposed redevelopment of the Artarmon Children's Centre at 3 Abbott Road, Artarmon, NSW.
17 December 2013
North Strathfield Rail Underpass (NSRU) Alliance (SKM & PB), in collaboration with RMS NSW, has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre, a proven name in the field of road safety, to prepare a road safety audit on Queen Street, south of the Concord West railway station. The Alliance would like Traffic Engineering Centre to determine, in particular, the requirements of any traffic barrier at the subject location that would meet Council's standards.
13 December 2013
OPUS International Consultants Pty Ltd, a great and worldwide known consulting company, has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to jointly undertake two pre-opening road safety audits for the newly constructed commuter car parks in proximity to the Kiama and Moss Vale railway stations, NSW.
6 December 2013
For the third time in the last few months, BMD Construction has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre as a preferred sub-contractor, to strengthen their bid for roadwork on MR537 Richmond Road, Townson Road to Garfield Road West – Stage 2 Project, Marsden Park, Blacktown LGA, NSW.
2 December 2013
Once again, Parramatta City Council has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre, to undertake road safety audit and assess the proposed seagull island at the Fitzwilliam Road/Reynolds Street intersection, Old Toongabbie, NSW.
29 November 2013
KMH Environmental has again chosen Traffic Engineering Centre as the preferred sub-consulting company in respect of traffic engineering to strengthen their bid for EIS related to the redevelopment of the site located at 24 Holbeche Road, Arndell Park, NSW.
15 November 2013
Our team has extensive expert witness experience in all aspects of traffic engineering matters. We have provided traffic engineering witness advice in respect of road crashes, prepared detailed reports for presentation to the court and appeared as the expert witnesses on the client's behalf.
To further strengthen our capabilities in this particular area, Zoran Bakovic, our Director and Principal Traffic Engineer, has successfully completed UNSW organised Expert Witness Training, presented by Associate Professor Hugh Selby.
1 November 2013
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software, such as Mapinfo, provide powerful data visualization and analysis tools. Traffic Engineering Centre uses Mapinfo to leverage value by turning data into useful information to assist decision makers.
Our traffic engineering associate, Ben Hubbard is an experienced Mapinfo GIS user and is able to develop, populate and deploy GIS using Mapinfo. Ben's experience with Mapinfo mean he is able to assist with all aspects of GIS development from developing system specifications through to data capture and management of database development to data validation, system deployment and training.
18 October 2013
Zoran Bakovic, our Director, presented at the AITPM NSW organised Regional Seminar in Dubbo. Zoran shared his extensive experience on railway crossings' risk assessments/auditing by presenting an interesting topic titled 'Railway Crossing Safety – far more than just avoiding to be hit by a train'.
6 October 2013
Today, Traffic Engineering Centre celebrates the first anniversary, the first very successful year in business, one of many to come. We would like to use this occasion to thank our Clients, who believed in us and without whom all these would not be possible. This is why our company's motto is "Our clients are our partners".
We would like to thank our team, which prides itself on over 60 years of collective experience, for excellent engineering and, above all, great customer service. This is a time when we all remind ourselves about the things we really love about our business: the freedom it gives us, the satisfaction we get from a job well done, the people we work with, our relationship with our clients, and the blood, sweet and tears that have gone into doing something we are really proud of.
On this day we haven't forgotten to give back to the community, to many young people in need (through 'Youth off the Street' charity foundation). Traffic Engineering Centre Pty Ltd provided a student 'Resources kit' for three young people attending one of the Charity's five accredited high schools that provide disadvantaged young people with the opportunity to achieve an education in an alternative setting. We have also provided enough funds for ten hot meals from the Charity's Food Van, which runs 345 nights of the year and is operated solely by their volunteers.
2 October 2013
Our team members have an extensive experience in delivering Traffic Impact Assessments to support the REFs. Therefore, KMH Environmental as one of the leading environmental companies has chosen Traffic Engneering Centre as the preferred subcontractor on traffic engineering, to help them to successfully prepare a bid for a TransGrid's project (Beaconsfield West 330/132KV Substation Refurbishment).
1 October 2013
After successfully delivering detailed design road safety audits for each of the 7 (seven) stages of their North Penrith development, UrbanGrowth NSW engaged Traffic Engineering Centre again, this time to undertake a detailed design road safety audit for the upgrade of the MR155 Castlereagh Road / Thornton Road intersection, in North Penrith.
30 September 2013
Traffic Engineering Centre has already established its presences in North QLD, as we delivered a number of traffic impact studies and link traffic studies for DTMR QLD as well as few local councils. Therefore, it comes with no surprise that North QLD office of 'Harrison Grierson' (one of Australasia's leading advisory and design organisations) has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre, as the partner company in the field of traffic engineering.
27 September 2013
Being engaged by 'RMS NSW' (Western Region), Traffic Engineering Centre investigates some very sensitive road safety issues, assessing the crash potential and feasibility of potential safety improvements along the 50km/h section of MR253 Jenolan Caves Road near Hampton Public School, in Hampton.
25 September 2013
'Minale Tattersfield Australia', a leading way-finding design and branding agency, has engaged our experts on road safety to support their bid for the design and installation of the way-finding signage for Bay Run, Leichardt Council LGA.
9 September 2013
Being engaged by 'RMS NSW' (Western Region), Traffic Engineering Centre has successfully delivered 6 (six) pre-opening road safety for the road upgrade works on HW7 Mitchell Highway and HW17 Newell Highway. Our satisfied clients are always the best indication of the quality of our work. Therefore, it comes to us as a great pleasure when Joshua Parkin, Leader Network Optimisation Planning (Western), expressed his satisfaction with our work saying (quote): "I found the audits to be high quality and especially helpful in describing the mechanism of likely failure (ie. What would happen if the risk event occurs). I also appreciated the effort you put into the photos and the video provided."
29 August 2013
Singleton Council appointed our road safety experts to undertake traffic safety assessment and qualitative pavement assessment of thirteen road sections within Singleton local government area.
22 August 2013
Traffic Engineering Centre Pty Ltd is now on Gosford City Council's Panel for Traffic Engineering and Road Safety Auditing for work up to $120,000.
20 August 2013
Fulton Hogan, as one of the major companies in the road construction industry, has appointed three of our very experienced Level 3 Road Safety Auditors to undertake a Roadwork traffic scheme road safety audit for the Port Botany Redevelopment – Ramp D Work. The main objective of this road safety audit is to identify relevant road safety deficiencies in the temporary traffic management and the arrangement of traffic control devices which, if addressed, would improve safety for all categories of road users.
13 August 2013
City of Sydney has engaged Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake Preliminary design road safety audit for their Thomas Street Project. The study area comprises the section of Thomas Street between Hay Street and Quay Street, and the section of Hay Street, between George Street and its corner just after Kimber Lane. The main objective of this road safety audit is to identify road safety concerns related to the preliminary design and to check that no issues are overlooked or misunderstood.
26 July 2013
After we helped 'UrbanGrowth NSW' and 'Craig & Rhodes' to successfully deliver the Stage 2 of the North Penrith Development, these two well known companies appointed Traffic Engineering Centre again to help them to effectively deliver the further development's stages: 2B, 2C, 2D, 3A and 3B. Repeated work is the best measure of our clients' satisfaction, quality of our work and our performance.
16 July 2013
Our Director, Zoran Bakovic, has been elected as Vice President of AITPM (NSW & ACT). (
1 July 2013
In the new 2013/2014 financial year, Traffic Engineering Centre are going to donate a percentage of its gross revenue to support disadvantaged and lost young people, in an attempt to create an entirely new future for them.
By supporting 'Youth Off The Streets' foundation, we would like to help young victims of trauma and abuse who urgently need emergency accommodation and psychological support. ( Traffic Engineering Centre is also looking forward to establish its own foundation in the foreseeing future.
15 June 2013
Everett Evans, ( is another solicitor firm that choose Traffic Engineering Centre to help them winning their road crash related compensation cases.
13 June 2013
Two of out three Level 3 Road Safety Auditors have completed 'Road Safety Audits for Leaders' training jointly organised by 'Transport for NSW' and 'SAI Global'.
This means that our experienced and successful road safety audit team members are going to maintain their accreditation level under the new accreditation scheme, starting on 1 January 2014.
10 June 2013
Zoran Bakovic, our Director, is now listed as an expert for both Traffic Engineering and Traffic Crash Analysis with the University of NSW's 'Unisearch Expert Opinion Services'.
'Unisearch Expert Opinion Services' provides opinions from articulate individuals who have both the practical experience and the academic qualifications to present a fully informed opinion in their field of expertise.
24 May 2013
To fulfil its obligations to reduce likelihood of vehicles from Norwest Boulevard / Windsor Road intersection entering the outdoor play area of the proposed Atlas Child Centre, Beale & Daley Pty Ltd commissioned Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a risk assessment.
The Hills Shire Council has requested that an assessment be provided demonstrating the safety of the children in the outdoor play area in relation to the proposed childproof palisade fencing and whether it is adequate in respect to minimising the risk from errant vehicles from Norwest Boulevard / Windsor Road intersection entering the outdoor play area.
23 May 2013
As widely recognised experts on forensic accident analysis and, road and traffic safety, Traffic Engineering Centre has been engaged by a very well known Australian law firms, Shine Lawyers, to help them in regards to their road and traffic accident cases.
We are very excited to be associated with such a great law firm, and for an opportunity to help a number of their solicitors with our extensive skill, knowledge and experience.
10 May 2013
For the second time in only a few months, DMD Contractions has chosen Traffic Engineering Centre as preferred consultant on road safety audits (construction and pre-opening stages in particular) to further strength their bid for the Central Coast Highway (Brisbane Waters Drive ad Manns Road intersections) project, in West Gosford, NSW.
11 April 2013
Zoran Bakovic, our Director, presented at the AITPM NSW organised cycling planning, design and safety seminar. Zoran shared his extensive experience in working on cycling projects by presenting an interesting topic titled "Cycling safety in good facilities, in numbers, and in being open-mined to new ideas."
9 April 2013
Zoran Bakovic, our Director and Principal Traffic Engineer, gave a live interview today to Paul Bevan, host of "Drive" on ABC Radio . Zoran was asked to comment Ryan Park's (MP and Shadow Minister for Roads) media release in which Mr Park proposed to allow drivers to turn left after stopping at all red lights, to help reduce traffic congestion.
2 April 2013
City of Sydney appointed Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake Stage 3 (detailed design) road safety audit of the design for Crown Street Streetscape upgrade, in Sydney, NSW.
28 March 2013
Isaak Region Council (QLD) appointed Traffic Engineering Centre to provide a professional opinion in regard to the impact of the extra parking / traffic on the Moranbah State School' drop-off zone, in Moranbah, QLD.
28 February 2013
After City of Sydney, Glenfield Junction Alliance and Craig & Rhodes, Parramatta City Council also appointed Traffic Engineering Centre to undertake a road safety audit of preliminary design of a newly proposed Shared Zone.
27 February 2013
After we successfully delivered a traffic impact study for Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) NSW, Traffic Engineering Centre has been appointed as the preferred consultant to deliver a link study (traffic planning/traffic impact assessment) by another one state road authority – this time by Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) QLD.
10 February 2013
Traffic Engineering Centre obtains SIDRA licence allowing for the detailed analysis of signalised and priority controlled intersections as well as roundabouts.
1 February 2013
We are proud to announce that from today Traffic Engineering Centre is officially a sponsor of the NSW Branch of the Australian Institute of Traffic Planning & Management (AITPM).
We strongly support the work of this valuable organisation and are pleased to help contribute to its ongoing success.

Traffic Engineering & Planning
22 January 2013
We are pleased to announce that Keith Varga is now associated with Traffic Engineering Centre.
Keith is recognised as one of the top experts in preparing Traffic Control Plans and Traffic Switches. His expertise supplements our extensive experience and capabilities in the road safety auditing and risk management areas.
Traffic Engineering Centre is now capable to offer a full road and work safety package in regards to any construction project, helping even the biggest client to provide a safe working environment, while delivering great construction projects.
14 December 2012
We are proud to announce that Traffic Engineering Centre is going to sponsor AITPM for the next 3 years.
22 November 2012
The Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Modelling (AITPM) has run a half day technical workshop on current developments in the field of traffic management, with industry representatives proving an overview on the modern and innovative practices.
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) NSW, 3M and a number of consulting companies have presented their experience from the field of road construction traffic management.
Zoran Bakovic, our Director, presented Traffic Engineering Centre's experience in conducting construction (roadworks) stage of road safety audits.
The title of his presentation was: "Construction (Roadworks) Stage of Road Safety Audits – Lessons To Learn".
6 October 2012
Zoran Bakovic, our Director, has published his first book titled "Pedestrian Behaviour at Road Crossings". The book has been published by a German publishing house, Lambert Academic Publishing. It can be purchased online at
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